"Boy You Salty"

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I wish I would've never looked past that friendship we had
I wish I would've never had sex with u and kept it at hey how u doing.
Started to get to know you started digging your vibe
I started to see butterfly's when you batted your eyes
I started falling for the way that you kissed
I started writing poems about every word from your lips
Then You let me fall in love when you took me for a ride in the middle of the night in the backseat of my ride you made me feel free like the wind in the sky &
I started cherishing your worth
i started noticing the small things
like the seeds in the dirt that sprout through the ground and bloomed into flowers every time u were around I felt just like that flower
You never ever asked me to catch those feelings.
You never asked me to be my fantasy
You never promised me you'd live up to my expectations.
You never asked me to keep sacred the Intertwining of our bodies naked
So while I was surely falling in love you were just having fun
So when the fun stopped and you saw all you could see,
You started getting distant & less of you did I see
You'd say things like I miss your touch but when you could you were reluctant to action
You use to write poems about my passion but when you had your fill acted like they never happened
Because right now you don't text me at all
You don't see how I'm doing nor pick up the phone to call
You're so damn disrespectful you don't even look me in my eyes when I pass you by
I really wanna tell you that I hate you,
And I can only hate you because deep down I love you
That love turns to hate like how stars turn to pulsars
Bleeding out every reason to burn when the core it exists for dies out
The slow knife cuts deepest as these feelings spill out
All over the universe disturbing the energies of anybody else that was close to me
I use to be sober with fantasy,
Now I'm pissy drunk tryna cope with reality,
That those dreams led me to the actuality,
That what we had going on just wasn't your reality,
& you don't wanna stick around to deal with this fatality
That you should never fuck your friends
cus in the end you'll fuck them over
if they ever decide they wanna get to know you closer
Cus you won't hold one pebble of the boulder that rejection weighs on the recipients shoulders,
Warm hearted inside but u don't mind giving cold shoulders
Mmm. Well. The end.

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