"I'd Rather Be Alone"

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You & I were born in the depths of Diamond mines
At the bottom of man kind we were molded beautiful from the pressures of struggle & oppression
Touched & taken by hands we didn't ask to touch us
But were the first ones to ever love us
Were the same ones to abuse us
Cast us aside with broken views about our worth
Though inside out we were flawless to a strangers perception our own made us as ugly as the dirty hands who touched us
We let the poorest people from there on touch us
Use us as trophies to show off then put us on the dresser to never dust us
Shown off then discarded when in desperation for attention cried out were disregarded
Our search for love became a complacent feeling of bitter content
We hated our existence
stuck in a cycle of being called beautiful but not being beautiful enough made our outside that much tougher
until we reached the point of not wanting anyone to touch us for anyone to lust us
Giving up on anyone to love us we secluded ourselves back to our beginnings of that lowly diamond mine
Hoping to find where struggle & oppression made us beautiful.
Hoping to find worth in not another soul but ourselves.
I fully understand why you'd much rather be alone. -Vonsensei

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