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Being a victim of bullying & abuse throughout a majority of my adolescence,
it has been hard for me to believe that my existence had any worth,
That there was actually something meaningful about who I am.
I believed for the longest time that I had nothing but unattractive darkness & that I had no light.
I have allowed those negative thoughts to rule my life and hold me back from believing in myself.
I've allowed it to make me believe that I'm not attractive enough,
that I'm not smart enough,
that I'm not talented enough to do the things that my heart desires.
But no more.
Thanks to an all mighty God, & people who have relentlessly helped me to see that I wasn't filled with darkness, that I was actually made of nothing but light, & that people envied, feared, & condemned me for having what they themselves were scared to embrace.
I am a Beautiful black man. I am a poet & a maestro.
I am filled with unimaginable talent that knows no limitations, bound by nothing,
I am a King, a child of God & a product of sacrifice by a great King & Queen
I will not let my life be one in vain.
I am Ryan Anthony Cyrus, "The little King who is as priceless as the sun. "

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