Happily Ever After

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I'm the story book definition of Prince Charming trying to love a princess who already lost her happily ever after.
The widow of an undeserved & unprecedented sadness
She's the perfect image of a woman I could've made infinitely happy if only cruel fate would have allowed me to catch her sooner.
I try to make up for lost time with hopeful philosophies, conversations to soothe her.
I pity her depressing disposition
With all my power I try to do all I can to rid the cataracts from her beautiful eyes with good intentions
but blindness doesn't allow her to take chances of sight
Despite my might I lack the power to fix her broken heart
& in my failure I feel a heavy sadness guilt tripping that someone who deserves love most will never truly know it.
I hate that I see so many people who have eyes like shattered mirrors Reflecting images of their broken hearts
& I endlessly ponder the answer to the question
"What can fix a broken heart?"
If it's love I think the world has had enough.
It's as if the people with broken hearts are like cancer patients who are tired of love like the treatment of chemo
The therapy is never painless
In fact it's more painful
& it's never a guarantee to work
People become content with their hopeless fate of their brokenness until they die & I
As a doctor feel pity like the love of God for his children that I cannot save lives when people have a lack of will to carry on.
That if your eyes are like broken mirrors perhaps you should close them & walk out on the faith that someone cares enough to try and heal them
But such belief in mankind is very rare
Especially if the same man kind was the one that put you there
It would be cliché to say we're not all the same.
So In vain I pray everyday for a way to try & show you the broken heart that there is better before you die
Because truly it's up to you to want to find the answer.
Just remember It is impossible for a realist to dream about what they cannot see.
Maybe one day you'll close your eyes
& have faith in what you truly desire
My reader I hope you find it in you to love again.
My reader know your worth.

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