Letter of Acceptance

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"Letter of Acceptance."
It was hard to let you go
I would never see what pushed us away
rather all the fond memories that wanted you to stay
It was hard
To cast the brightest parts of me aside
to look inside the mirror and cope with darkness in my eyes..
The cold lonely stare
of emotions I couldn't bare
not being able to say I didn't care
how many times I wanted to run back home to you.
But I was homeless,
I was broken Inside
No longer full of you
I was empty inside
No worth for my self
I felt worthless inside
How many times I tried to hide & disguise my pain in material gain
Women weed liquor money acceptance
Yet I never gained.
In my brain so many questions on how to stop this pain.
Finally answered when I swallowed the ugly truth.
That a lack of love for me I put all of that in you,
I became so vulnerable
I put all my hopes in you
When you said you loved me
I confided all in you
So when you lost your love for me
I lost it in me too
I first loved you before I loved my self and when I was with you for the first time I thought I loved myself
How Christ like & such a coincidence that after all my sacrifice you still didn't believe in my love.
I was crucified by rejection I had to go through hell just to be resurrected in the form of acceptance for who I am
I have to thank you
For giving me what our relationship never did
The ability to love myself
Without having to find it in anybody else
Now Im finally ready to love somebody else.
Thank you for teaching me how to love myself.

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