The Unsent Text

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I'm fabricating conversations out of white lies
Asking about your day when I know that I
Want to hit you up in a jealous rage like why'd you pick that sorry nigga over me
Why do you play with my sense of hope
Like you could see yourself loving me when really you are just bored & lonely?
Just yesterday you told me u missed me
Yet today I see a pic on Twitter of you in someone else's bed sheets
And I see that you can't see that your words don't have any identity
They make u look 2 faced your mouth is Pandora's box
where you talk about love yet keep your heart in a box
that every time when you get lonely you let another man rock
& I'm starting to believe that it's because you don't fear a man who doesn't have a key to the lock
that's probably why you avoid me text me you miss me but at the opportunity to have me every time you purposely miss me & I'm fed up of you playing around with me,
I'm tired of you fucking with my heart.

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