All Because Of A Room Switch

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        When they walked out of the elevator, The duo was stopped by Brittany. "Oh! Nurse Jackson! I was meaning to run into you and... Alex, right?" She said, excitedly.

        "Yeah," Alex replied, happy to see such a friendly face.

        "What did you need, Brittany?" Nurse Jackson said, unaffected by the young nurse's perkiness.

        "Oh, right. Can I talk to you?" she said, with an urgent voice. Nurse Jackson sighed, and Brittany and her conversed quietly for a few minutes. The more Brittany talked the more Jackson got serious. Then with a wave towards Alex, Brittany left. Alex turned toward Nurse Jackson questioningly.

        Nurse Jackson looked at her and said, "There seems to be a temporary issue with your rooming situation, and we need to find a place for you to spend the night for a couple of days, and don't worry, dispite the less than ideal situation, I know just where to put you."

        Alex smiled at her and said in reply, "I trust you. Show me the way." And with that, Jackson changed directions, and walked off with Alex. 


        Nurse Jackson stopped outside of a decorated room. "Here we are, and I'm sorry but it was the only room big enough for another person in your wing. So, welcome to The Swamp."

        She opened the door, and two boys turned and stared at her. "Nurse Jackson? What brings you here?" one of th kids asked her.

        "We have a new roomate for you--it's only for a couple of days," she added, when she saw one of the boys' immediate protest. She brought Alex in, and said, "This is Alex Carter. Alex, this is Jordi Palacios and Leo Roth. Now, I've got rounds, so, be good.

        The one Nurse Jackson had referred to as Leo was bald and had only one leg. He said, "Wow. I really must be dying. They already have somebody to take my place when I go." Jordi and Leo shared a smile and then turned back towards Alex. "Well, whatever. So, Alex, what're you in for? You don't look sick," He questioned. 

        Alex replied,"Well, believe it or not, I'm dying."  She took in the boys' surprised looks, and continued. "Yeah. I've got cancer in my brain, and there's nothing else they can do about it, so," She clarified.

        "Wow. really?" said Jordi. He had a vaguely hispanci accent, brown hair, and brown eyes.

        "Yeah. what're you guys here for?" Alex asked.

        "Well, we've both got osteosarcoma in our legs, except Leo here already had his taken off. I just came here today too, and my doctor is taking it off tomorrow."

        "Wow. What're you doing for it?"


        "I mean, your leg is coming off. You should do something for that."

        "Well, we just came back from lunch with this guy that suggested we throw a party. We were just figuring that out when you came in," Leo said,cutting into the conversation.

        "Oh. Sounds fun," Alex said.

        "You're invited, obviously," Jordi explained. "We were thinking about having it on the roof."

        "Sounds good. I was wondering where you were going to have a party in a hospital," Alex commented, smiling.

        Leo stood, and walked out the door with his crutches. "We got to go invite the others. We can show you around that way if you want," Leo offered.

        "Cool. Let's go." 


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