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Kara and Dash were in the empty room where they housed the children's school, with Kara wiping off the whiteboard, probably Nurse Jackson's idea of keeping her out of trouble. Dash was sitting at a table with his laptop, talking on the phone as he stared at the screen. "Mr. Cobb, glad to finally get you on the line."

Kara continued her mind-numbing task, without questioning him, much to his appreciation.

"Oh, no. No fault of Gloria's, sir. She's a peach." He continued. "But I was hoping to have a meeting at your home office. You're still on 10504 Wilshire Boulevard, correct?" He asked, mentally crossing his fingers.

Only to get interrupted. "Dash, I've been looking all over for you!" Dr. McAndrew called, walking into the room.

Dash ignored him for a second. "Ah, my associate just walked in. Gonna have to call you back." He looked up at Dr. McAndrew. "What's up, Doc?"

"I got great news," Dr. McAndrew answered. "You're getting your pager."

Dash looked up from stowing his phone in his pocket. He saw Dr. McAndrew holding a small black plastic piece of technology.

"A pager?" scoffs Kara, finally entering the conversation. "What is he? Some pimp form the 90s?"

"Does not concern you, Kara," Dr. McAndrew said, handing the pager to Dash.

She rolled her eyes. "Then talk quieter," she added before returning to her work.

"So, I moved up on the list, then?" Dash asked expectantly.

"Yes," Dr. McAndrew answered. "Once you're done with your tune-up, you're gonna go home. You're gonna wait for that pager to beep. And when it does, you come back here, and we are off to the races." He looked at Dash, waiting for his reaction.

"I was thinking you was just coming in here to tell me there was butterscotch pudding for lunch today. You came in here on a whole other level."

"It's what I do," Dr. McAndrew responded happily. They did some handshake and he walked out. That was when Kara pounced.

"So, what kind of list are you on?"

"Organ donor. The only list that matters in here."

"What do you need an organ for? Don't you have, like, cystic acne or something?"

Dash sighed, " Nope," He said, and closed his laptop. "Not having this conversation," he finished, and walked out with his laptop tucked under his arm.


Okay, now back to me.

They walked in, dressed in suits carrying briefcases. They walked over to Brittany, their faces impassive. "Are you guys the FBI?" she asked, startled. "Wait. Am I being audited?" She asked, confused.

Nurse Jackson looked over, saw Brittany questioning the expressionless men, and rushed over.

"Uh, good morning," she said, greeting them. "Can I help you?"

"John Fisher. Sean Fahey. Here to asses Charlie Hutchinson," the shorter one introduced both of them.

"Oh, of course," Nurse Jackson said politely, which was never a good sign. "Right this way."


Emma walked down the hall by the front desk, looked up and saw Leo coming towards her. She'd been avoiding him all day since apologizing to him, and was still more than a little mad he'd kissed Kara. She couldn't erase the image in her mind. He was clearly oblivious of her, and liked Kara.

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