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Alex woke up with her lips tingling. She brought a hand to her mouth, and the events of the night before flooded her mind. 

"Hey," Jordi called, his head poking through the doorway.

"Hey," Alex replied. Jordi took her happy response as an invitation to go into the room and sit down on his bed across from her.

They stared at each other, no one saying anything. Jordi took a deep breath and blurted out, "I'm sorry for what happened last night, it sorta just happened."

Alex looked down, and nodded, not looking up from her legs that were crossed under her.

Jordi's biggest fears were confirmed when she did this. The only reason he would apologize for kissing her would've been if she didn't like him like that. He was the one who kissed her. He knows how he feels about her, but he has no idea how things were going on her end. Well, he knew now, and by her agreeing  with him, he understood that she was sorry too. And that killed him. "So, I just came to apologize for it, I'll go now," he said quietly, standing.

"Sorry for what, exactly," asked Alex from her spot on her bed.


"You keep saying 'it'," Alex said standing up and walking towards him. "What is 'it'? What do you have to be sorry for?"

Jordi's thoughts all jumbled together as she continued to walk towards him, wearing a hospital gown. "Uh," he tried. "I'm sorry for kissing you so out of the blue, with no warning what so ever. I probably should've told you how I felt before acting on it. I mean, I'm not sorry for kissing you, that was amazing. I'm just sorry for doing something to you you didn't want to do," Jordi rushed.

Alex looked up at him, her eyes searching for something in his.
"I didn't do anything I didn't want to do," she finally clarified.


"I mean, you got the warning part right, you've got to give me a warning if you're going to kiss me like that. I need to prepare my mind to be blown."

Jordi stared at her, very confused. "Wait, so you wanted to kiss me?"

"Last night? Heck yeah. Usually people don't question whether someone wants it when that person kisses them back."

Jordi thought about this. "Good point."

"Did you really mean that, about me being distracting to you?"

"Oh yeah. That's why I'm always stuttering and confused around you. I'm not stupid, you're just mind-blowing."

A smile made its way across Alex's face, and Jordi realized what he'd said. Alex laughed at his wide-eyed expression, and he ran another hand through his hair. "So..."

"Yeah," Alex said, after her laughter had calmed down. The sparkle in her eyes dimmed as they began to slip into an awkward silence.

"Screw it," Jordi muttered, and quickly pulled Alex against him. She looked up at him in surprise, a smile beginning to form on her lips.

Jordi bowed his head and met her almost-smiling lips with his, which ignited a passion that neither could control.

Alex slipped into kisses that were familiar yet brand new, ones that were so electric she actually shivered in excitement. She couldn't get enough of the feeling, wanting so desperately to keep his mouth on hers. Eventually, much to Alex's disappointment, she had to pull away, but Jordi just moved onto her neck. "And you say I'm mind-blowing," she muttered and he laughed into her shoulder.

The feel of his soft kisses on her shoulder and neck ignited the fire once again, and she captured his lips with hers again. She leaned against him, forcing him to walk backwards. His legs hit his bed and he fell backward softly. Jordi grabbed at her, and pulled her down with him, wanting to keep her close. She smiled up at him as her body half-covered his.

He couldn't keep his hands off of her. After he knew what she felt like the first time, his hands couldn't leave her skin. He groaned as he kissed her, consumed by the feeling of her lips on his. He never knew someone could kiss this well, and he couldn't get enough of it.

As he continued to kiss her with no intention to stop, he began to grow aware of the lack of clothing she was wearing. Her hospital gown had risen up a bit, and he could practically feel her skin through the thin material. Jordi groaned again, using all the self control he could muster to not take the thing off.

"Alex," Jordi said, pulling away slightly.

"Yeah," she asked, breathless.

"We need to stop." The words fell out of his mouth.

"Um...okay," she said slowly, blushing. She climbed off of him, and looked down, avoiding his eyes.

"Hey," Jordi said softly. He walked up to her and stroked her heated cheek. "What's wrong? Why are you embarrassed?"

She backed away quickly. "What do you mean 'why are you embarrassed'? You just stopped us rather abruptly. Obviously it's either because you didn't like it, or I was being too forward. So which was it, Jordi?"

He ran up to her and wound his arms around her waist. "No," she said, shoving him away. "I need to know if I'm wasting my time."

"Fine! You want to know why I stopped? I stopped because I couldn't control myself. I know you're not the kind of girl who'd go all the way so easily. I didn't want to do anything you'd regret later. And I knew it was going to, with you sitting there, all hot and everything in a small hospital gown. So no, I didn't stop you because I didn't like it, or because you were being forward. I stopped it because I couldn't think straight. I couldn't think at all. You don't know the things you do to me."

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