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Kara stalked into the room, staring at Hunter who didn't even bother to look up from the book he was reading. Now, Kara was pissed. Nobody ignores her. She snatched the book from his hands.

"Seriously?" He asked, annoyed.

"I have something to say to you, and you're going to listen."

"I don't have much choice seeing as I'm hooked up to a dialysis machine." He thought for a second. "Or do I?" He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, which Kara promptly snatched as well.

"You know what? No. You don't get to call all the shots. I've tried Mindfulness, I've tried HXC skating, and yes, I know HXC means hardcore. No matter what I try, nothing seems to get through to you. I don't try, period. So I'm done. And not because you said so, but because I'm not into idiots who turn down their sister's liver."

"Are you finished?" Hunter asked, quietly.

"Actually, no. If anyone even joked about giving me their heart, I would rip it out of their chest with my bare hands. Rejecting that liver is an insult to everyone on the organ donor list. And it doesn't make you tough. Hunter. It just makes you a stubborn, suicidal moron. Now I'm finished."

Hunter didn't even look up at her as she threw his things into his lap and stalked away. But before she could complete her dramatic exit, Hunter called out to her. "While my sister was telling you all the juicy details of my past, did she happen to mention Jack?" He held up his phone, and finally looked up at her. His eyes searched her face for her reaction, but she was just confused.

"Okay, cute."

"That was my younger brother," Hunter said with a sigh. "He jumped from our roof into our pool when nobody was home. He went into a coma and died."

"That's why you were crying about Charlie, he reminds you of your brother," Kara said, suddenly understanding. She went and sat down at the empty seat next to him, holding his phone in her hands.

"Only he got to wake up. My brother didn't. We're under this false pretense," Hunter continued, "that we won't ever get more than we can handle. But it's a lie. So what if Ashley does this noble thing, this incredible noble thing, and somehow it goes wrong? That's on me."

"Yeah, but Ashley said the surgery would be low-risk," Kara said, trying to comfort him.

"Risk comes with odds, "Hunter cut her off. "What were the odds my brother would hit his head when nobody was home? That I would get leukemia, and bunk liver?" They looked at each toher, and Kara was at a loss for words. "I don't want to roll the dice again, not on my sister's life."

Kara was seized by an awful thought. "What about your life, Hunter? You could die."

"If I were to gamble," he began, looking down at his hands, "I'd rather take my chances waiting for someone else's organ."

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