His Mom?

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Emma rushed into the room Alex was sharing with Leo and Jordi, greeting Alex.  "Hey, I just came back from visiting Jordi, and I was going to make him some rice crispies. You want to help?"

Alex smiled. "I wish. I have my first round of chemo here today, so, I'm gonna have to pass, sorry." She shot Emma an apologetic smile.

She nodded, understanding. She'd been around Leo long enough to know that chemo wasn't fun. "What's chemo like?"  She asked, wondering.

Alex smiled. "Ever been run over by a truck?"

Emma laughed. "No, can't say that I have." She smiled, then asked another question.

"You get wiped out, and you don't understand how something that's supposed to fix your life problem is so exhausting."

Emma smiled. "Well, you are fixing your life problem, so I can imagine it'd be a little taxing."

Alex smiled. "Definitely."

"Well, have fun." Emma said, as she left the room.

Alex's laughter followed her.


Alex was staring out the window, sitting in the worn, leather chair, with a needle in her arm dripping a thick substance into her system.  She was almost done, she'd been sitting there staring at the same trees and buildings for so long, that if she closed her eyes, she could picture the scene, engraved into her mind.

"Yo, Alex." came Dash's voice from the doorway.

"Dash, hey. Just the person I wanted to see. Update on what's been going on while I've been sitting in this time-stopping chair of boredom," she said, smiling.

"Nothin' much. You know, Nurse Jackson chasin' after Kara, Kara breakin' the rules, Jordi's sleeping..."

"That it?" Alex asked, disappointed.

"Well... there's also Leo deciding to try to get Emma back, and Jordi's mom is here."

"Here!? Isn't she supposed to be dead?" Alex asked, surprised.

"Exactly. Our homeboy lied to us."


"Yeah. He doesn't want her here, but they're trying to convince him to let her stay."

Alex sat, taking the news in, as a nurse came and took the needle out of her arm. After the nurse left, Alex jumped up, and marched out of the room, with Dash in tow. "C'mon. We're going to figure out what is going on."

She stopped running when she saw Jordi in his room, sitting in a wheelchair with a young woman standing over him. He caught her eye, and sent her a mental plea for help. She sighed. "Let's go save him."

Dash followed her, tiredly. All the running made him start coughing.

"Oh, shoot. Dash, I'm sorry. I forgot. Here, go lie down or something. I'll tell you everything that happened later."

He left, reluctantly. Alex turned and walked into her room. Jordi's tense shoulders relaxed, seeing her come into the room. He stared at her, ignoring the woman that was still talking to him. She followed his eyes and she stood, staring at Alex. "Well, hello there," She said, with her Hispanic accent. Her light brown wavy hair tumbled over her shoulders, and her big brown eyes stared at Alex, giving her a once over. Apparently she found her muscle tee that advertised some indie rock band and skinny jeans acceptable, because when she looked back at Alex, she smiled warmly.

"Mom, this is Alex. Alex, this is ... my mom." Jordi said, introducing them.

"So, are you a...friend of Jordi's?" Jordi's mom asked Alex, slyly.

"Uh.. yeah."

Jordi turned to his mom and said, "Alright, mom. You've got yourself a deal." They shook hands, and Jordi wheeled toward Alex. He grabbed her hand and dragged her out of their room. "See you later, mom."

When they were far enough away, Jordi released her hand, and turned to face her. She smiled at him. "So, what do you want to do?"

He smiled. "Anything, now that I'm out of there."

She nodded. "How about a walk? Outside?"

He nodded. "I could use some fresh air."

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