Trust Issues (Chapter 8)

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Armoni POV:

"Jerome I-"

"We're back! We brought pizza and stuff." Brandy called through my closed bedroom door.

"C'mon lets go eat, I know your fat ass is hungry." Jerome said standing up and grabbing my hand.

"I'm gonna change clothes real quick." I said pointing to my outfit that I still had on from earlier. "You should change too." I told him as I looked at his shirt that still had blood splattered all over it.

"Yeah, imma take a shower real quick." He told me before kissing my forehead and then leaving my room. But before he could leave, I stopped him.

"Jerome, it's okay to cry, you know? You're human just like I am and you have feelings and emotions that you need to get out. It's not good to keep stuff in. Don't let your masculinity get in the way of that. You hear me?" I said looking in my drawer for my pajamas.

"Whatever." He said laying back on my bed and covering his face with his forearm. I smirked to myself, noticing he wouldn't leave to shower. It seems like he spends every moment he can with me, it's cute. I can't even lie, I like the attention he shows me.

"Real men cry you know." I told him.

"Okay babe." He replied nonchalantly.

"Jerome, I'm serious." I said pulling my tank top over my head. Since he was laying down, with his eyes covered I figured it was safe to change while he wasn't paying attention. While I was lifting my shirt over my head, I felt Jerome's fingertips on my skin.

"I didn't know you had a tattoo." He said tracing the "A" on my rib cage.

"Yep, I have three." I told him.

"Ooooh I wanna see." He said trying to turn my body around, making me laugh.

"Nope, later on big boy. I'm hungry and you need to go take a shower." I laughed as I swatted his hands away from my body. He pouted before rolling his eyes at me and standing up from the bed. Before he could leave, he turned and faced me.

"I'm sorry for calling you bipolar, baby. I was just talking shit, I didn't mean to make you mad." He apologized, making me smile a little.

"It's not your fault, I shouldn't be so sensitive. It's just that I was reading through my mental illness book for one of my classes and everything that was listed under bipolar disorder described me." I admitted with a shrug.

"Even if you are bipolar, that shit doesn't matter." He said shaking his head.

"Uh yeah, it kinda does." I laughed.

"No it doesn't, you're perfect to me. My Noonie." He cooed before coming to give me a hug.

"Aw, you're so sweet." I giggled before pinching his cheeks making him laugh. "I don't really know if I'm bipolar or not, I've just made some observations about myself." I shrugged as I pulled away from him to put on a pair of Hello Kitty sleep shorts. "What's a Noonie, is that like an animal or something?" I asked, making him bust out laughing.

"It's you, dumb ass." He laughed.

"Me?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Yeah, like a pet name. You know, like baby, babe, sweetheart." He said making me scrunch up my face.

"But we aren't together." I reminded him.

"Do you have to ruin everything?" He asked rolling his eyes, making me laugh.

"I'm sorry. I was just saying." I giggled.

"Mmmm. Just as long as you know who Daddy is." He mumbled before kissing me softly, making me blush. I loved this side of Jerome but sometimes it's a bit too much for me. He says and does things that I'm not ready for, I have to prepare myself for the things that come out of his mouth.

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