Trust Issues (Chapter 11)

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I stared at the T.V with a blank expression on my face. I can not believe this. They killed that man. They killed him because of me. I felt sick to my damn stomach. Although Darryl Hayes did the unthinkable to me yesterday, I would never have wanted him dead. Beat up a little maybe, but not killed. They even chopped his body up. I should've never told Jerome that man's name, but in my defense I was scared shitless. The look in Jerome's eyes literally scared the hell out of me.

I sighed as I finally snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Aaliyah throwing up. I slowly made my way to the bathroom to help her. After she was finished throwing up, I made sure she cleaned herself up and brushed her teeth before helping her back into my bed. Since Aaliyah is contagious and she's been sleeping in my bed, I slept in Jerome's room last night. Since he never came home.

"Mommy!" She called to me as I was spraying the bathroom with bleach spray, trying to kill all of Aaliyah's germs. I didn't want everybody else to get sick, we couldn't afford to miss any of our classes with midterms quickly approaching.

"Yes baby?" I replied.

"Can I have some juice?" She asked.

"In just a second Li." I told her as I wiped down the toilet and then the bathroom counter. I washed my hands before heading in the kitchen to get her something to drink. I know she wanted juice, but since finding out she's dehydrated, she's about to get this water.

"Mom." She groaned when she saw that I'd brought her water instead of juice."

"I know, but you're dehydrated Li. You need to drink water." I told her.  

"I'm not thirsty any more." She pouted before rolling over with a huff and snatching the covers over her head making her sigh. I love Aaliyah but she was getting on my nerves with this little attitude she had. One moment she was happy and then the next she was mad. I don't know if it was because she was sick or if her mother's side is starting to come out of her.

"Aaliyah drink the water. If you drink it, I'll let you have juice at lunch." I compromised.

"I said, I'm not thirsty anymore!" She snapped at me with an attitude, making me raise my eyebrow.

"Little girl." I hissed, snatching the covers away from her. "Don't play with me, watch who you're talking to. I'm not your mother but you will respect me." I told her sternly. It took everything in me not to snatch her little ass up. I do not tolerate disrespectful children, especially if I'm taking care of them. "When I come back, that water better be gone and you better not pour it out either."

"Yes ma'am." She mumbled with a pout. Before I could even leave the room, my phone rang. It was Erica, I sighed before answering the phone as I left my room and headed to the kitchen. I got Aaliyah something light for breakfast; half of a banana, a cup of yogurt, and half of a slice of toast.

"Hello." I said answering the phone after taking a deep breath.

"Armoni." She sighed. "What did you do?" She asked.

"I didn't do anything." I whined as I placed the plate of food on the dresser for Aaliyah. I smirked as I noticed the glass of water from earlier was gone. I took the glass into the kitchen and began washing it. "I don't know what happened, all I saw was his face on the news and that's when I text you and Ashley." I told her honestly.

"Did your little boyfriend have anything to do with this?" She asked making me sigh.

"I don't have a boyfriend." I mumbled.

"Little girl." She warned, making me sigh. Although I was positive that Jerome or Emanuel had something to do with the death of Darryl Hayes, I was not about to tell Erica that. We had a close relationship and I trusted her, but not with something like this. I needed to talk to Jerome.

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