Trust Issues (Chapter 40 Part IV)

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"Oh my God! You're having the baby! Help! We gotta go to the hospital! Help! Somebody help us!" Aaliyah screamed frantically as she jumped up and ran out the door. I attempted to chase her, to try and stop her before she woke up everybody in the house but she was gone. It was too late. Emanuel busted into the room with Big right behind him.

They both had guns in their hands. Aaliyah was running up and down the hallway still screaming for her life. Her dramatic ass. "Li! Calm down!" I yelled, loud enough for her to hear me. She stopped screaming but she still looked scared as hell. "I'm fine baby." I assured her.

"What's going on?" Man asked, tucking his gun in the waistband of his basketball shorts so Aaliyah wouldn't see it. Big threw his into the plant and I shook my head and tried not to laugh at them. Bronshay and Emanuel are two big dummies.

"My water broke and Aaliyah got scared and started freaking out." I explained.

"Aw okay." Man sighed in relief. Him and Big left the room but they returned shortly after. "Wait a minute! What? You said your water broke? You're in labor?" Man yelled. He has too many damn kids to be acting like this. He's been through this process many times before so he should be the least nervous out of all of us.

"Emanuel stop yelling." I sighed.

"Big! Carry her to the car! Imma get the bags and shit!" He said quickly as he took out his phone to call somebody.

"No, I'm fine. I don't wanna go to the hospital yet. They're probably just gonna send me back home anyway." I explained.

"Well hell, you gotta go somewhere! You not having his little ass in here." He scoffed.

"Emanuel." I stated simply.

"Well what you want me to do?" He asked.

"Nothing." I replied simply. "Go back to sleep and I'll wake you up when it's time."

"Hell naw." He said shaking his head. It took me a good ten minutes to convince everybody that I was fine. Aaliyah finally stopped crying, Man allowed me to stay in his house, but he made Big stay in the room with Aaliyah and I. He was currently breathing down my neck.

I attempted to call Jerome to inform him that my water broke, I figured he was asleep so I sent him a text. Immediately after that, I sent a text to Trayveon, knowing he would be going on his lunch break soon. Surprisingly, he text back right after I sent the message.

 Surprisingly, he text back right after I sent the message

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