Trust Issues (Chapter 22)

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Armoni POV:

"Here we go." I mumbled to myself as I closed the door behind me.

"Yeah, here we go." Jerome scoffed as I turned around to face him. I can't believe Mike. He caused all that drama and mess at Popeyes and then had the nerve to call and tell on me. When I see him there's no telling what might come out of my mouth. He's out of line and I'm going to tell him about himself. My mouth has a tendency to get reckless so I hope I'll be able to filter myself.

"I'm not doing this with you, right now. Aaliyah come on baby, we're going to the nail shop." I told her, making her cheer. While she got ready to go, I put my new phone cases, charger, and headphones into the side pocket of my Nike overnight bag.

I started to be petty and show Jerome all of the things that Trey bought me today, but I decided not to. That would've really pissed him off, so I kept it to myself and remained quiet. I could literally feel him staring a hole into the back of my head the whole entire time.

"I think I wanna get blue this time Mookie." Li told me. I was a little surprised that she wanted to venture out and try a different color because she's usually faithful to any shade of pink that the nail salon has.

"Hm. That'll be cute on you." I told her. "Tell your Daddy bye so we can go." Aaliyah slipped on her sandals and grabbed her big Hello Kitty purse before giving Jerome a hug and a kiss and then telling him goodbye.

"I know you're not about to just walk in here, take my daughter, and just leave." Jerome said in disbelief.

"Watch me." I smirked, before flashing him a big smile and waving at him.

"No." He stated firmly. "Since you wanna go on dates and shit, you're not taking her any damn where." He scoffed, making me roll my eyes. I was trying not to start an argument in front of Li but Jerome was lowkey pissing me off.

"I'm not about to sit up here and argue with you Jerome. Especially not in front of her." I said shaking my head, after taking a deep breath.

"Oh yes you are!" He challenged, making me scoff. He is so ridiculous at times.

"Bye Jerome." I smirked as I rolled my eyes and grabbed Aaliyah's hand. "We'll talk when I get back." We walked down the hall and to the elevator and rode down to the lobby.

"What's Daddy mad about?" Aaliyah asked me once we were in the car and on our way to get some Starbucks before going to the nail salon. "Why didn't he want me to go with you and why was he yelling when he was on the phone with uncle Mike earlier?" She asked.

"I don't know baby, the drugs that the doctors are giving him for pain are making him crazy." I joked as I reached over and tickled her with my free hand, making her giggle. I didn't want to involve Aaliyah in what we had going on, she was just a child and didn't need to be in adult business. We both sang along to Beyoncé on the ride to Starbucks and to the nail salon.

"Aw man, I got a brain freeze." Aaliyah whined, making me laugh as I looked over at her. Her face twisted up as she put her tall vanilla bean frappuccino into the cup holder and held her head in her hands.

"Stick your thumb in your mouth and suck on it real hard." I told her. I laughed to myself as I watched her do it. Moments later she sighed dramatically in relief and relaxed into her seat. "Better?" I asked, looking over at her.

"Much." She grinned. "Where did you learn how to do that?"

"My Daddy taught me that trick when I was younger. I used to eat Popsicles all the time as a kid and I would stay with a brain freeze." I told her making me giggle.

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