Trust Issues (Chapter 12)

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It has been three days ....

Three damn days since I've seen or heard from Jerome. He hasn't been home, answered any of my calls, or replied to my text messages. I was worried sick about him. Mike came home yesterday and he acts as if everything is fine. He won't answer any of my questions about Jerome. He gives me the same dry ass response. "I don't know." or the famous "It's not my business to tell."

Today was Friday and Aaliyah had a parent teacher confrence after school. Since Aireka has basically fallen off the face of the Earth since Aaliyah's been with us and Jerome is MIA, I have to go. I don't have a problem with going, but it's kind of awkward for me. I've only been in Aaliyah's life for a few months and I'm already going to her parent teacher conferences.

"Have a good day baby, gimme a kiss." I told her as I turned my head. She kissed my cheek before putting on her backpack as I pulled up to the curb of her school. She was finally over her stomach virus and it was her second day back in school. She no longer has a fever, she isn't throwing up anymore, and she doesn't have diarrhea either. Thank God because I was tired of cleaning up throw up from all over the damn place and her stinking up the bathroom.

"Okay Mama, you too, love you." She said before getting out of the car and closing the door before I could respond. I sat and watched her as she ran up to the doors of the school. I always made sure that I waited until she was fully into the school before pulling off. I got on the interstate and headed to Ihop, I was meeting up with Tatiyana, Andrea, and Brandy for breakfast.

"Hey guys." I said greeting them. I slipped in the booth next to Tatiyana and sat across from Brandy and Andrea. I hugged Yana and blew kisses to Brandy and Drea. Although I already knew what I wanted to eat, I still picked up my menu and looked over it.

We made small talk until our waitress came and took our orders.

My phone buzzed in my purse, it was a text from my mom. She put me and all of my siblings in a group text to discuss the details of my father's upcoming birthday. He was turning forty five so we were throwing him a surprise party to celebrate. While I was texting in the group text, I felt someone kick me from under the table. It was Andrea. I looked up and she shook her head in the direction behind me. I raised my eyebrow and she gestured for me to turn around.

It was Jerome and some girl.

Was this nigga serious? He hadn't been home in three days and hadn't been in contact with his daughter for five days but yet he had the audacity to be in IHOP with some bitch. The nerve.

"Really! Is this nigga serious?" I scoffed as I shook my head. Our waitress came and placed my glass of ice water and French Vanilla coffee with extra whipped cream in front of me. I could literally feel my blood pressure rising. Jerome and I were not dating so I had no reason to be upset that he was here with another female. I was pissed because this nigga was sitting here grinning in the girl's face like he didn't have a daughter to take care of. He can take females on dates but can't send a simple ass text message to check on the child that he helped create.

"Is that Jerome? What the fuck is he doing here? With her!" Brandy said as she smacked her lips. Tatiyana damn near broke her neck trying to turn around to see Jerome. When she finally spotted him it took everything in me to hold her back as she tried to get out of the booth to go confront him.

"I can't believe him." Tatiyana mumbled as she shook her head. "I honestly can't believe you're not over there beating her ass and cussing him out."

"For what, Tatiyana?" I sighed as I took a sip of my coffee and licked the whipped cream from my top lip. "Jerome and I are not together, he's single and he can do whatever he wants with who he wants. I have no right to get mad, he's not mine to get mad over." I shrugged.

Trust IssuesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora