Trust Issues (Chapter 40 Part II)

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"Can we go to On The Boarder? I want some chips and queso." I asked Trayveon. We were coming from my doctor's appointment and I was hungry as hell. All I'd eaten was a bowl of cereal and a banana. It was safe to say that it was gone and me and my little baby were now starving.

"Yeah, we can go." He yawned as he backed out of the parking space and drove out of the parking lot. I looked at him and noticed his eyes were red and low. Not because he was high, but because he'd just gotten off work this morning and hadn't been to sleep since yesterday afternoon. Although I told him that I could go to my appointment alone, he insisted on coming because he didn't want me to be by myself.

"We can get it to go." I suggested.

"Whatever you want baby, we can eat there if you want. It's up to you." He replied before yawning again.

"I'll call it in to go, I know you're tired." I told him as I picked up my phone from in between my thighs. I googled the number and called the restaurant before placing our order. In no time we arrived at the restaurant and Tray let me out at the front entrance before parking. I volunteered to go in and get the food because I had to use the bathroom.

I sighed when I noticed who the bartender was. Shelby. Her back was turned to me so she didn't see me when I walked in. "I need to pick up a call in order, it's under my name." I said simply once she finally turned around.

"Hey Mookie." She smiled softly.

"Hello." I responded simply.

"I know you're upset but I'm really sorry about how everything happened. He came on to me and I couldn't control myself. I'm sorry that it happened in the first place, I didn't mean to hurt you." She apologized. She was doing all the unnecessary ass talking and I had to use the bathroom.

I ignored her and simply pulled out Trayveon's debit card from my wallet and placed it on the bar. I wasn't mad that she was fucking my baby daddy, I'm mad because she was in my face while doing it.

She ran his card and gave me the receipt to sign before going back to the kitchen. While she was gone, I took that opportunity to go use the bathroom. The whole time, I was just hoping, praying, and wishing that Shelby's crazy ass didn't do anything to my food.

After leaving the resturant and returning to Trayveon's apartment. We sat down and ate before getting in the bed together. He was going through his mail and I was reading one of the chapters in my Baby book. This chapter was talking about the last few weeks of your pregnancy and the changes your body goes through to prepare to give birth.

"Damn." I heard him mumble before sighing.

"What's wrong?" I asked, looking up from my book.

"I finally got my court date." He informed me, making my eyes widen as I snatched the letter from him. My eyes quickly scanned the paper until I found what I was looking for. My heart literally dropped when I noticed the date was less than a month away.

"Damn." I mumbled. The letter fell from my hands and on to my lap. I had been trying to forget all about the situation but this letter was here slapping me in the face to remind me. In less than a month I was about to lose my best friend to the system for years.

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