Trust Issues (Armoni POV)

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Armoni Lashae Jones I'm a 20 year old college student on a full ride track scholarship to one of the best colleges in Texas. I'm majoring in Psychology in hopes of becoming a clinical psychologist. I'm African American and German, my mother is fully black and my father is half black and German. I was the popular girl in high school; I was a straight a student, athlete, and a pretty girl. I'm book and street smart.

I have two best friends Andrea and Brandy. We met on the first day of track practice when I was a freshman and we've been friends ever since. I'm the middle child of five siblings I have an older brother named Emmanuel he's 25 and an older sister named Imani and she's 23, my two younger siblings are twins Leland and Leilani who are 18. I have a nephew name Zyonn who is 5; he's my sister Imani's son. My mother and father Danielle and Eric have been married for twenty years. My mother is 43 years old and is a Registered Nurse; my father is 45 years old and owns his own mechanic shop and car dealership.

I lived in a dorm with two other freshmen but since I'm now a senior and the requirement is that only underclass men live in the dorms, that I'm currently living in. I'm currently homeless.

I have major trust issues. I suffer from anxiety and I have problems with trusting people and allowing myself to be vulnerable. Underneath the façade, I'm broken. There's so much more to me than beauty and brains. I was raped when I was only a child, by my uncle who is now serving a fifteen year sentence in the state penitentiary.

We all have Trust Issues...

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