Trust Issues (Chapter 41 Part II)

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Armoni POV:

"I wish you could come." I sighed as I packed my toiletry bag inside of my suitcase. Today was Tuesday, early tomorrow morning I had a hair appointment and later that night Granny's memorial service would be held at our church. Immediately following that; Jerome, Jr, and I were headed to South Carolina for the funeral service that was Saturday morning.

The rest of my family had flights leaving out on Thursday morning. Since I didn't want my baby on a plane this young, Jerome offered to help drive us there. I was so grateful that he offered because there was no way I would've been able to drive almost twenty hours by myself, with a newborn baby.

Being that Tray couldn't leave the state due to his legal issues, he wouldn't be able to come to the funeral. Thankfully he would be able to at least attend the memorial service here.

"Me too baby." He said patting Jr's back until he burped. I was trying to have everything all packed and ready to go so I wouldn't have to rush or be pressed for time when it was time for us to leave.

Making all of the funeral arrangements were a breeze because Granny planned everything out for us before she passed. She picked her casket out, the color flowers she wanted, the order of the service, who she wanted to be on program, the program design and layout, the pictures inside of the program, her outfit, the color limos we'd have and who'd be riding in the limos and anything else you could think of. I was there for the planning process to make sure that my Granny's wishes were granted.

"I still can't believe she's gone." I mumbled to myself, taking in a deep breath as I sat down on the bed. It didn't hit me that my Granny was really gone until the funeral home called and had us view her body to make sure she was presentable. Seeing her stiff body in the casket and feeling her body cold as ice, made me realize she was really gone and she wasn't coming back.

"I know baby, I'm sorry." He said sitting next to me and wrapping his free arm around my body, while holding Jr in the other. "I know it hurts now, but it'll get better as time goes by. I promise Juicy." He said kissing my forehead. I hadn't lost anybody close to me besides my daughter but this was a different type of hurt.

"Thank you." I sniffled, resting my head on his shoulder. Since the passing of my Granny, so much love and support has been shown to my family and myself. People from our church, my parent's coworkers, and our neighbors have brought food, sent flowers and cards every day. My friends have been constantly calling to check on me and encouraging me. It feels good to have people show their love and support, especially when you need it most.

"I'm glad you were able to see her and share those last moments with her. I know meeting Jr meant a lot to her." He said making me nod my head as I looked at my son and smiled.

"You're right, me too." I nodded. "I love you." I told him, turning my head and kissing him.

"You ready for me to wash your hair or you wanna wait until he's asleep?" He asked me, I mugged him in response, making him frown. "What?" He asked, confused.

"You didn't just hear what I said?" I asked him with an attitude.

"My bad, but you know I love you, I'm just not used to hearing it all the time and having to say it back. Juicy you gotta understand, I've never received love like this from anybody, not my sister, a girlfriend or even my own Mama." He explained.

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