Chapter 80

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Dean's warm blood rushed inside his vein, finding its way to heat his icy face. Before he could even stop himself, his legs had already stridden fiercely towards Giselle and Vincent. His injured arm reached quickly to seize her upper limb. A sharp pain struck him at his deltoid as he yanked her out of the grasp of another man.

She turned immediately to look at him in terror. "Dean?" She blurted out loud.

"What the fuck?" Vincent cursed out loud as he got pushed aggressively by Dean's rough hand. He tripped a few steps backward unexpectedly while his gaze shifted to glare deadly at his opponent.

Dean ignored Vincent before he turned his head to look down at Giselle. Despite the tears on her cheeks, he interrogated her immediately in a disliking tone. "What is this? Why are you here with him alone?"

"Dean, listen-" Her voice came out weakly at the same time that her eyes drifted down slightly to the sight of Dean's wounded arm with the stain of blood on his fingers. "What's happened with you? Why are you bleeding? Is that why you are in the hospital? Are you okay?" She asked in anxiety at the same time that her hands reached to touch his arm lightly.

Dean released her after realizing that his grip was too tight on her fragile arm. He gulped as he withdrew his hand back to his side. "I should be the one to ask you. What are you doing here? What were you doing with him?" One part of him felt disappointed in her due to the scene that he witnessed earlier. His heart was almost sunk to the bottom of the ocean floor just when seeing her embracing another different man.

"Excuse me?" Vincent raised his voice suddenly. "Why the fuck are you being so rude?" Vincent walked to pull Giselle away from Dean in a protective manner while his eyes locked onto Dean's. "Can't you see that she is crying? Who the fuck do you think you are? You know the damn reason why she is crying. And, you're still coming all the way here to ask her?"

Dean clenched his teeth when Giselle's grasp loosened from his arm the second that Vicent dragged her away. His eyes glared dangerously at the male physician before he replied in a threatening tone. "I am not in a fucking mood to talk to you. Get the fuck out."

Vincent let out a brief laugh before his expression turned murderous. "Too bad for you then. Giselle, let's go. Leave this moron alone."

As Vincent was about to drag Giselle's hand away, Dean seized her wrist immediately once again. While both men were fighting each other, Giselle's boiling tears continued to shed down uncontrollably. She felt speechless at the situation. There seemed to be nobody who tried to listen to her. She didn't understand why they had to fight over here at this current moment. She was exhausted and lost. Her lips were shaking as she tried to suppress the painful weeping sound. The deep sorrow for the death of her mother and sister filled her mind and thought, leaving her no space to think of other things. Mild dizziness hovered her head as she stood between the two men that were arguing with each other. The truth about her family was unacceptable to her. Both her mother and sister were no longer be able to breathe in the same air as her. Her father also disappeared without leaving a trace behind. The only thing she could do was to pray and hope for him to return safe and sound. She felt useless for not being able to do anything to find him. Giselle sobbed and repeatedly blaming herself for everything that happened. No matter how much she prayed and called for them, it was all already too late to bring them back.

"Let go of her hand, you damn asshole." Vincent cursed as he stepped in to try to remove Dean's hand.

Dean ignored Vincent again when he noticed Giselle was quietly weeping between them. He swallowed hard, feeling confused about what was going on with her. He was dying of concern, but he couldn't manage to express it out like other common people.

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