Chapter 49

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Dean slammed the door shut loudly behind his back before he paused in his step. He turned a little to glance at it as he formed fists with his hands.

Was I being too harsh? She deserved it, right?

He thought when he found himself hesitant to leave. He glared at the floor with his lost gaze before he exhaled loudly. He clenched his teeth when he heard her crying sound was coming out of the room. Dean felt his heart was aching when that sound was too close yet too far for him to comfort. The door was separating them apart. It was like a symbol to remind him of how much of the difference their worlds were.

He blinked a few times, to bring himself back to his reality after he realized that he was getting carried away by her fake acting again. Everything in his mind was no different than a game of maze. Although he was not sure whether the path he was taking will lead to the opening or not, he still took it anyway. He shook his head slightly before he made his way downstairs and out of the motel in a hurry.

After that night, Giselle had never met Dean Winchester again. She thought, that he probably had left her for good. Today, it was her last night staying in the motel. She felt relieved and happy when she had found a new place to live in. It was a small apartment near her workplace. Although her parents were rich, she had never asked them for money. Other people outside of her family would probably assume that she too was rich since she came from a wealthy family with a high status in society. None of those were true because her parents chose to not support her, the moment they knew that she was becoming a nurse, instead of a doctor or a businesswoman.

While she was packing her stuff, she heard a few knocks on the door. She turned down her music volume instantly before she stood up and made her way towards the door. Peeking through the peephole, she saw a group of strange men in black suits. None of them were familiar to her. When the owner of the room didn't open the door, they knocked it louder with more force.

"Give me the gun." One of them said before his partner handed him a pistol. In a split of a second, he shot the doorknob. "Get her." He said as he kicked the door open and barged into the room.

Giselle ran to lock herself in the bathroom in a panic as soon as she heard the gun sound. Her trembling hands wasted no time to search through her jacket's pockets and her jeans' pockets for her phone, but it was nowhere to be found. "Fuck." She cursed silently underneath her breath before she heard a few banging sounds on the bathroom door. Her eyes began to get warmer while her heartbeat sped up.

"Open the damn door!" A deep man's voice commanded loudly. When their target didn't do as they told, the man kicked the door a few times until the door burst open. "Get her." He raised his voice to the other men.

The moment the other two strange men rushed in to grab Giselle's arms, she started to scream. She pushed one of them away before she kicked him in the ball forcefully. He curled down onto the floor at the same time he groaned in pain. As she turned to try to punch another man, he dodged her fist and then punched her back in the stomach. The pain from the stomach struck her body like lightning, which caused her body to lose its strength. She cried in pain before she got forced to walk out.

As she got pushed to walk down the stairs, her eyes grew wider at the image of a receptionist lying unconscious on the floor. He got brutally beaten by the same group of men when he refused to give out the guest's info. Giselle glanced around the lobby, searching for help, but there was nobody else there. "What do you guys want?" She asked through her gritted teeth as they dragged her out of the motel.

They didn't reply besides forcing her to get into a black new van. When she struggled to get back out, they decided to tie both of her wrists and ankles. The same man, who seemed to be the leader of the group, leaned in towards Giselle and then closed her mouth and nose with his handkerchief. It didn't take long until she felt a sudden headache followed by the weakening of the body strength. Her eyes were still open, but her paralyzed body made her unable to even make a sound. She watched a man in front of her placing a seatbelt around her before all of them hopped into the van and drove out quickly.

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