Chapter 83

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The evening turned to night. The warm moist wind turned chilly and dry. Besides the background noises of the crowded city, the sound of laughter echoed the entire roofless area of the highest floor of a casino building. As a group, they stood and stared at an unconscious man that was tied tightly to the wooden chair.

"Bro, I still can't fucking believe that this old man is the bastard that our master had always been looking for. I thought it'd be someone with a lot more power." One of them said in disbelief while his mouth was busy sucking onto a lollipop candy.

"Yeah. He's the head of the police department, that's what I heard. I don't see any difficulties for our old master to take him down. I wondered if Mr. Bowen Winchester was just playing... What can I say? This old dude is fucked up. He messed with the wrong person." Another man replied before he placed a cigarette in between his lips. "Yo, you got a lighter? Forgot to bring mine."

A different man in black tossed a lighter to him and then joined in the conversation. "Well, it's unfortunate that his family died. He got two fucking hot ass daughters that I could've beat before those beautiful bodies got cremated."

The entire group laughed before one replied, "That fucking dirty mind of yours is gonna get you in trouble someday, buddy."

"I wouldn't mind if I can fuck his daughters for once. It's worse a sacrifice." The man winked playfully before he turned his eyes back to the unconscious man.

"I mean you can..., but I wouldn't try if I were you. I heard Mr. Winchester slept with one of this oldie's daughters already. If you don't wanna dig up your own grave then you better stop fantasizing."

The joke continued with loud laughter until one of them announced abruptly, "Boss is coming! Shut the fuck up." He fixed his earpiece quickly after hearing the command from the other end of the device. The two men in blacks who stood across from him hurried to walk to Richard Chu, to double-check the thick ropes that tied around his wrists and ankles. Another man was fast to make his way toward the door and then opened it wide for their young master.

The second that Dean walked in with his other two men, the rooftop fell into a deadly silence. Dean didn't bother to look around besides shooting his gaze straight at his most hated rival. "Bring me a cup of water." He demanded roughly to one of his men the second that he noticed Richard Chu remained unconscious.

His eyes were never failed to drift away as he inched closer. His pupils were burning in rage while his mind was recalling all of the unforgettable reasons and moments that drawn both blood and heat to his face.

In the end, his petty life is fated to fall into my hand. I felt disgusted just by looking at him. I can feel all of the anger inside of me, but... How come the urge to kill him is no longer here with me? I should be desperate in taking his life, shouldn't I?... Or, am I just tricking myself? I knew myself better than anyone.... what I wanted the most is to get rid of this man. It is the only way that will make his family feels the pain that I went through... But, the only person he has left is... Giselle...

I want to forgive and erase all of the memories. I want to learn how to... I can't... I can't do that anymore. I can't do any of that even if I tried. It is far than enough already. I shouldn't have to waste my time trying to become something that I was never born to be... I should learn to accept the fact that I am a mafia... I must not show pity either sympathy towards anyone. That should be the person that I should become. Right, that should be me...

Richard's face was filled with bruises and dried blood, which was located at the corner of his mouth. His lifeless body was tied tightly to a chair. Dean found it unnecessary to had him tied up. However, he didn't bother to command his men to untie the old man. To him, it was just another way to prove his ruthless leadership to his men by putting on a show in front of their eyes.

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