Chapter 10

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"Let me go, bastard!" Giselle screamed at the same time she kicked the air. Dean opened the car's door with the hand that was holding onto her thighs. With full force, he threw her into the passenger seat over his blazer. The sound of her crying was only getting louder the moment she saw he pulled out the handcuffs from his back pants' pocket. "Stupid bitch, let me go!" She yelled at his ear as he bent down close to her, to handcuff one of her hands onto the steering wheel.

Dean ignored her sobbing sounds cold-heartedly. He backed out and closed the car's door. Locking the car's door with the remote, Dean started to walk in long stride to the Walgreen. 

After getting some first aid supplies, Dean came back to the car. He opened the driver's door and hopped in. As soon as he closed the door behind him, Giselle lifted his gun up, that she found in his drawer, to point at him. With teary eyes, she threatened him, "I will kill you if you dare to touch me. I am not letting a person like you kidnap me for the second time." Her voice was weak, and her lips were trembling.

Dean noticed the gun that was in one of her shaky hands. Instead of listening to Giselle, Dean pulled out the cleansing solution with a cotton ball. Giselle watched him in confusion when he didn't seem to care about her threatened to shoot him. 

Dean soaked the cotton ball with the cleansing solution then lifted his head back up to make eye contact with Giselle. He lifted one hand and pulled the back of her neck closer to him. Giselle's hand that was holding onto the gun went weak as they lowered down to rest on her lap. Her wet swollen red eyes widened when his face came close to her all of a sudden. 

Without noticing her reaction, Dean lifted the wet cotton ball up to dab on the cut on her neck. Giselle yelped at the unexpected pain before she tried to back out of his strong hand. He held her tight and didn't let go. His warm breath on Giselle's neck following by his gentle touch caused Giselle's heart to beat faster. She didn't know if it was because she scared of him or it was because of another reason.

Giselle's teary eyes stared deep into his eyes without a blink. He was so focused on what he was doing that he didn't even notice her staring at him. Dean turned back to take the band-aid then placed it on her. She seemed to calm down now, Dean thought after he finished applying the band-aid onto her neck.

The moment he lifted his head up, he made eye contact with Giselle who was still staring at him with a confused look. Not knowing what to say, Dean turned to unlocked her handcuff from the steering wheel and her hand. He glanced at the gun in her hand, then back up to the street as he told her, "Stop staring, and tell me where you live."

His emotionless words brought Giselle back to reality. She blinked a few times then wiped her tears away with the hand that was holding onto the gun. Her eyes shifted to stare into the dark road in front of her. She wasn't sure if she would want him to take her back. A few seconds had passed, Giselle thought of him saved her earlier, which convinced her that he probably wasn't a bad person as she thought he was. Biting her bottom lip, she replied, "Go straight, then turn left at the traffic light. I will tell you more when we get there." Hearing her unsure voice, Dean glanced at her once before he shifted the car's gear and took off.

The moment they arrived, Dean parked the car in front of the mansion's gate. Judging from the size of the mansion, she is probably not just a common girl like I thought she was. Dean thought to himself. Giselle got off the car then took his blazer with her before she tossed the gun back onto the passenger's seat. "If you don't mind me borrowing this. I don't want to go back in and looking all messed up." She said with a sad tone of voice while her gaze was staring at the seat instead of Dean's eyes.

A smirk appeared at the corner of Dean's lips as he nodded, "Sure." His deep voice replied. She looked up to study his face one last time before she thanked him. Closing the door back for him, Giselle waited to see him leave.

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