Chapter 30

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As the sunlight shined into the big bedroom, Giselle found herself wide awake, lying on one side of her body, in the bed. Her swollen red eyes showed that she had been crying all night until her tears became dry on her cheeks. There were so many things that were going on inside of her head while she stared emotionlessly into space.

What's wrong with me? I feel so shitty. Never have I ever feel this way. Useless, stupid, worthless... Isn't it funny that in the end, I ended up getting fucked by the same guy who kidnapped me a few months ago? Just the thought of it makes me want to puke. It's been hours, yet I still can feel his dirty touched all over me. The stinging pain between my thighs are still pulsating whenever I think about it. I saw and felt myself bled the second that he buried himself into mine. I feel so disgusted. Those lingering effects of his length inside of me was still there. It kept replaying over and over inside my head. How could he do that to me? I honestly thought I could have some good feelings about him... at least we could've been friends... I was a fool... to believe that some part of him would be a human like that of Vincent. I should've never come to find him. I should've never have let myself felt like I was longing for him... I was a fool... This mistake is huge... and I cannot seem to erase it out of my head. I want to forget everything that happened last night. I want to be forgotten as good as dead if that is possible. I don't want to exist in a world where there is a lack of humanity. A world where this man next to me exist. Because one thing for sure that he doesn't have is humanity. And I hated it.

Those dirty images that stuck in her head replayed in her visions over and over again. She hated herself for giving in. She hated him even more for doing that to her.

Why is this world so cruel towards me? Does my family alone hating on me is not enough? What wrong did I even do? It's not like I go around killing people and commit sins. All I ever have done was to help people. Can someone tell me? What did I even do to everyone to make them look down on me so much? Am I not a human to them? What the fuck am I? A toy? An object? Have they ever think of how I would feel?

A few drops of her tears rolled out of her eyes as she bit her bottom lip hard to prevent her crying sounds from escaping. Her hands formed two tight fists as they held onto the blanket around her body.

A muscular arm that'd been wrapped around her waist suddenly lifted off of her. She felt him shifted in the bed and then at the corner of her eyes, she saw him trying to sit up.

Dean got up on his feet then turned to glance at her bareback. She was facing the other side of the room. Shoving his messy hair up with one hand, he began to make his way towards the bathroom. Locking the door behind him, he turned to stare in the mirror.

The old scars on his chest were all scratched up that the blood started to form small clots all over. His neck was left with several red lines as if he got scratched by some stray cats. Swallowing hard, he lifted his right hand up to run his fingers over those small cut lines around his neck that sent him the stinging pain.

How many more times do people want to leave marks on my body? Does everyone hate me that much? Do they all wish me death? I just wanted to live my own life. I don't even ask for anything much. Is the pain that I went through in the past was still not enough? This is ridiculous.

Dean scoffed a little before he punched the mirror with full strength causing it to shatter. He took his hand back and slam it onto the counter with a thud aggressively before he turned to walk into the shower.

The warm water from the showerhead ran down through his strong leaned muscular body at the same time the droplet dripped down through his hair strain. As his wounds came into contact with the body shampoo, Dean felt a sharp pain from his knuckles, chest, and neck, including his left arm that was not completely healed. He slammed the palm of his hands against the wall before he dropped his head down to look at the floor underneath his feet.

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