Chapter 89

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Dean's phone rang. It echoed throughout the quiet bedroom. He fished his pocket for it with his right hand while holding onto Giselle with his left. As soon as he answered, a Cobra man reported politely, "Mr. Winchester, they're here."

Dean replied, "Bring Richard Chu and them up to my penthouse." Then he proceeded to hang up. He turned to gaze at Giselle's eyelash before he murmured, "Your friends are here." His voice came out in a raspy and soft sounded tone. "Your father is also waiting for you..." He inhaled sharply and then brushed her soft cheek with his thumb.

In just a few minutes later, there were a few knocks on the door which seized Dean's attention immediately. He placed Giselle onto the soft mattress slowly before hopping off of the bed. He walked across the chilly room barefoot, directing his way to the entrance. Dean didn't waste a second as he grasped the door handle and swung the door open.

His eyes widened a bit as soon as he made eye contact with Richard Chu. The old man's mouth was bruised with a bit of blood at the corner of it. Nonetheless, there was a new cut just right above his brow. Dean gulped and then stepped aside slightly, leaving more than just enough space for them to get through. "Giselle is waiting... inside the bedroom." He bit his dried bottom lip guiltily after he mumbled the sentence without any specificity.

"My daughter..." Richard whispered in a heartbroken sound before he rushed into the room without a second thought.

Luna followed closely behind in silence. Vincent, instead, paused at the doorway with anger washed over his face. He took a deep breath, trying to be appreciative regardless of the conflict he had with Dean in the past. Then he murmured, "Thanks for saving her."

Dean didn't say anything besides avoiding Vincent's gaze.

After Vincent entered the penthouse, Dean took a few steps out of the doorway. His eyes turned sharp as he glared at his men dead in their pupils. He inched closer to them dangerously before he asked, "Who the hell made that new cut on Richard Chu's face?"

His men's expression suddenly turned anxious as they hesitated to answer.

"I'm asking here," Dean emphasized. When no one replied, he threatened, "Don't let me fucking find out later. I for sure will not keep any of you."

All of a sudden, Richard's scream broke the tense atmosphere. Dean was not surprised as he had already expected the situation to climax. He gulped nervously as he spun around on his heels and took long strides toward the bedroom. His heartbeat raced faster in thrill as an emptiness formed in his gut.

"Giselle! Giselle, my daughter, what's happened to you? Why are you not responding? Giselle, wake up!" Richard screamed at the top of his lungs while he shook Giselle's body slightly.

Dean's feet became froze at the bedroom doorway. He stared from afar, not daring to get any closer. Wrongfulness and guiltiness flooded his chest as he closed his hands into tight fists. Tears were shedding from his eyes even though there was no sound of him crying. Dean gritted his teeth as he watched her father shake her, hug her, and scream for her name.

I did not expect it to become like this. I did not mean it. I am truly sorry... so sorry for everything... from the beginning.

He thought as he watched Richard Chu's gaze dart in his direction. Dean didn't flinch as he stood his ground, waiting for the consequences which he had never prepared for.

"You, fucking monster!" Richard yelled at the same time that he rushed towards Dean. "What the fuck did you do to her? Tell me what the fuck you did to her!" He seized Dean's collar with one hand while raising another fist to punch Dean in the face.

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