Chapter 96

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Suddenly, a few knocks on the door seized his attention. Dean's head shot up to turn to the doorway. As the door cracked open, one of the guides walked in. "Boss, there is a man who has been coming to the casino for the third time now since the last few days. He wouldn't tell us his name. But, he has been demanding to speak to you every time he comes here. If I remember correctly, he is the same man who we captured last time."

Dean cocked one brow in pondering before he gave a nod. "Let him in."

It didn't take long until that old man got sent into the room after getting searched up by the guides. Dean's eyes shot up from his hands to focus on the man at the doorway. A shock was almost displayed on his face as he rose from his chair. "What are you doing here?" His voice came out rougher than anticipated as he eyed his target sharply.

Richard Chu took several steps into the room, feeling relief at the sight of Dean.

"Stop right there," Dean said when noticing Giselle's father coming in his direction. "I won't hold back this time if you dare to touch me." His tone turned bitter as he gave a warning after recalling the last encounter with the old man.

Richard paused in his step as commanded while he opened his dry lips to speak. "I have something to discuss with you." His face turned serious.

"If you are talking about your daughter's matter, then I have nothing left to explain to you. I am setting you free as she had asked. It is the last thing that I can give her. But, if you are asking me to give her life back, I am afraid I can't. She's gone. And, you need to accept that." Dean took a step forward slowly as he stared at the old man observantly. "Even after what I did to your daughter... you're still having the gut to show yourself in front of me. Do you not afraid of me cutting you up? After all, I have always been bad blood inside your eyes. Or, are you here to arrest me again?" Dean's lip twitched, almost pulling into a wicked smile. "You've lost your chance of imprisoning me after that day. If you're having a change of mind about coming in here, then you may leave now as it is yet to be too late. It won't look too good if any more of my men caught sight of you."

"That's not what I am here for. And, I don't care what you want to do to me. I don't care if your men find me suspicious. I have important information that I want to inform you of... before my time is up. Can't you just talk normally for once without having to provoke me?"

"Provoke? Back then... Even when I did not provoke you, you were never actually treating me right. I am just reacting to you... as how I should have. When I was being nice... you acted as if I was some mere animal that you wouldn't even allow near your daughter. You even dared to beat me up..."

Richard nodded slightly as a frown displayed on his lips. "I... It was my fault. But, as a father, I was just doing my job of keeping my family safe. There was nothing wrong with that. If you aren't in a mafia, then maybe I wouldn't have reacted the same way as I always did to you. For now... can you just listen to me? I won't take up too much of your time." Dean tilted his head a bit to sharpen his look as he anticipated the old man across from him to finish his words. "The reason that... Kevinskey captured her, it was because of me." Dean stayed silent. "I... You see that I have..."

Hearing the nonstop stuttering of the old man, Dean decided to interrupt. "If you haven't made up your mind on what you are trying to tell me, then maybe we can talk at another time. I have to go back to my place. It's late now." Quickly he started to circle his way around Richard Chu.

The old man hurried to block Dean's way before he could walk past him. Dean raised his head higher when Richard suddenly started to unbutton his shirt.

"What the hell are you doing?" Dean blurted as Richard opened up his shirt, revealing his upper torso.

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