Chapter 86

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Dean shoved his men out of the way aggressively before hopping into the car.

"Stop him!" Aaron's voice shouted from afar, commanding the Cobra's soldiers. Dean ignored his brother as he proceeded to slam the car's door shut, and then stepped onto the gas pedal. "What the fuck are you guys standing there for? Go block the damn gate!" Aaron ordered in frustration. He didn't know what it was that suddenly drove Dean mad. He gritted his teeth furiously as he watched the Cobra's men run to the entrance.

Dean did a U-turn in the parking lot, turning the car to face the exit gate. Even when seeing his men blocked his way, Dean didn't bother to slow down. Instead, he stepped on the gas pedal even harder, accelerating the car. The sharp screeching sounds of the wheels echoed the entire lot. Noticing that their boss had no intention of backing down, all of the men scattered out of the entrance for their lives, just in time that the car smashed against the gate arm.

On the street, Dean gritted his teeth in anger before hitting the steering wheel forcefully a few times, causing his car to honk aloud repeatedly. He couldn't wash the most hateful memories away no matter how much he tried. The image of brutally beaten-up Giselle seemed to be unerasable from his eyes. As if that wasn't enough, Jeff Kevinskey even dared to provoke Dean by taking off of his clothes in front of Giselle. That video clip kept on replaying, rewinding and replaying in Dean's head. He couldn't forget the look that Kevinskey looked at Giselle's body. It was no different than that of a thirsty pervert. A starving animal. A piece of scum. 

Dean hated the sight of Giselle crying. He felt strangely thrilled when recalling the fearful expression on Giselle's face. She appeared hopeless as she sat there inside the claw of the bastard Jeff Kevinskey, all alone by herself. Her pupils reflected the definition of confusion and shock as the familiar situation that once happened to her began to be recollected. Dean resented everyone that touches her. He resented himself even more for being the reason that she got dragged into this whole mess. 

Don't be scared... Giselle... I am on my way to save you... Please... just wait for me just a little bit more.

Dean's eyes began to get warmer. He couldn't help it when the only woman that he ever loved was being touched shamelessly by others. Every inch of his limbs was trembling and shaking in insane fear in antagonizing. He could feel his temper boiling inside of his chest to the point that sweats started to form on his nose. He quickly wiped his hot tear with the back of his right hand as he tried to clear up his visions.

"Giselle..." He murmured to himself while letting out a weak whimpering sound. "Please wait for me. I will fucking kill him! I will make him fucking compensate for this! I will fucking hurt him ten times and a hundred times worse than he hurts you. Just wait..." Dean cried loudly and uncontrollably. 

His eyes became blurred with the boiling tears that flow nonstop. He admitted now. He admitted that he had always been scared. His heart pounded madly as if it wanted to break his rib cage. His ears were ringing. The only word that kept repeating inside his head was the name of his beloved woman.

"It is all my damn fault... I should've never pushed you away... I was being selfish... I was a goddamn asshole! My fucking selfishness is now killing you... You did not do anything wrong, Giselle. This is all my fucking damn fault! AH!" Dean screamed at the top of his lung like a lunatic before punching his fist against the steering wheel one more time.

His phone suddenly vibrated. Dean thought it would be something from Kevinskey, so he pulled it out. Unsurprisingly, it was no other than Aaron. Dean bit his lower lip and hesitated to answer as he stepped harder onto the accelerator, just to pass the red light. He glanced at his rearview mirror only to see a few black cars were chasing after him. His eyes later went back to the phone screen. Without any longer hesitation, he answered it.

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