Chapter 14

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Dean finished signs up all of the documents that were needed to get his approval on his desk. His hands were wrapped in a thin white bandage. Standing up from his chair, he started to make his way out of the room to see Leo and Ivan. When he was about to walk away, his female secretary walked up to him, "Sir, old master is calling for a meeting tonight at seven o'clock."

His brows suddenly furrowed. Giving her a nod, he began to make his way to the elevator. Ivan and Leo followed Dean into the elevator. After the door slid closed, Dean said, "I am going to be touring around the resort real quick before I head out to check up on the casino."

His voice held no emotion. His two guards looked at each other in concern. They noticed their boss' hands since this morning, but they didn't dare to ask. Dean who wasn't in a good mood felt even more frustrated when he knew that Bowen Winchester has made a sudden return from Canada. Knowing inside of his head that tonight's meeting is not going to be smooth.

Damn that dream. It is giving me a bad sign. He told himself.

Walking out of the elevator, Dean walked out. His eyes inspected every employee that he walked pass by. Watching them giving good customer services, cleaned the floor, and bowed their head to him, Dean felt relieved.

His footsteps stopped when he encountered Aaron Winchester. He was accompanied by a female with his two bodyguards followed from behind. Biting his lip, Dean tried to ignore and made his way past Aaron. "How rude of you?" Aaron began with a mocking tone of voice.

His words annoyed the hell out of Dean Winchester. Pausing again, Dean turned to face his older brother.

Pushing his woman aside, Aaron started to walk into Dean's direction. "Just because father let you run this casino and resort, you must've thought that you are big and all that, huh?" He said with a smug look on his face. Dean's face expression was indifferent. He stood there, eyes on Aaron, and didn't bother to reply. "Father is coming back tonight. I wonder... if you are going to make a reckless decision like two years ago... to draw his attention."

Dean's hands closed into a fist. He didn't want to make a scene in the middle of the resort. Clearing his throat, Dean replied with a smirk on his lips. "Reckless?" He repeated before continued, "Just so you know... I won't be wasting my time to save your petty ass again."

Aaron bit his lip before he grabbed Dean's collar. Both Leo and Ivan pointed their index finger in a threat at Aaron's bodyguards, who was about to pull out their gun. The woman who came with Aaron earlier started to run away when she saw the gun under Leo and Ivan's blazer, hidden at their waist. Aaron saw people's eyes, that were walking passed by, stared at him. Aaron felt as if he was the bad guy in the scene, which caused him to release Dean's collar.

Dean smirked then raised his hand up to give a few light tap on Aaron's left cheek. Glaring deadly at Aaron, Dean said, "Keep up with being a good dog to father," After that, Dean turned around and walked away with long strides, leaving Aaron boiled in anger.

Aaron cursed while his hands closed in two tight fists. He turned around and rushed away in the opposite direction.

As seven o'clock approached, Dean made his way to the penthouse of the resort. From the elevator to the front of the room's door, it was filled with men in blacks. Every single one of them was armed with a black gun hidden underneath their blazer. As Dean made his way out of the elevator, the men in blacks bowed their heads down to greet him with respect.

Every single one of them is the father's dogs. Dean thought before he added, including me.

One of the men in blacks at the door opened the door for Dean. The moment he walked in, a loud moaning sound of a woman followed by the banging sound against the wall in the master bedroom was echoed throughout the whole penthouse. There was no bodyguards in the room. Dean made his way to sit on the sofa with no emotion while he waited for his father to be done with his business.

The woman's moan was getting louder and louder at the same time that the banging sounds started to get faster. Dean closed his eyes as he tried to ignore the annoying sound. Suddenly, Aaron walked in while the door began to close behind him. The moment Aaron heard the moaning sound, he started to chuckle.

As Aaron came to sit across from Dean who was closing his eyes, Aaron said, "Father is full of energy, don't you think?" Dean's eyes slowly opened back. Laying back against the sofa, Dean crossed his long legs. "If you want to bang some girls, I got you," Aaron suggested, but Dean continued to ignore with a loud sigh. Aaron smirked at Dean's reaction toward him before he continued on talking. "Arrogant bastard... Just wait until you get attached to someone. When that day comes, I will fuck her right in front of you."

Dean clenched his teeth in anger but didn't reply. I only have Leo and Ivan, you can go fuck them, motherfucker. Dean thought and glared at Aaron sharply.

The sound of the woman's moan and scream got so loud before it went dead silence, following by the sound of an old man's laugh. Aaron blabbered in amazed as he said, "Damn, she already reached heaven."

Dean gave Aaron a disgusted look before he scolded, "Will you please shut the fuck up?" At that moment, Aaron shot back an angry look. When Aaron was about to reply, the sound of the door being opened drew both of their attention.


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