Chapter 8

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When the shift at work was finally over, Giselle waited for Vincent in the lobby of the hospital. While waiting, she scrolled through social media on her phone. A hand placed on her right shoulder drew her attention away as she looked up. He grinned at her widely, and said, "Sorry, to keep you waiting. Let's go," Flashing a smile back at him, she stood up.

The two started to make their way to the parking lot. Giselle's car got a flat tire this morning. She had no choice but depends on Vincent. 

First, she asked Luna if she could give her a ride, but Luna was already at the hospital. Luna had to give an emergency surgery this early morning to one of her patients. She was left with only him to rely on since none of her family members would be willing to help her. Especially her mother, who already hated her enough. 

Sighing out loud, she turned to ask him, "How was the meeting?" Her gaze shifted to the ground, and then to his footsteps as she tried to match his. 

Vincent unbuttoned the first two buttons, then heaved out a loud breath in exhaustion. He turned to glance at Giselle to replied, "Bad news," He groaned before he placed one of his arms around her shoulder. 

Due to the height difference, it allowed Vincent to placed his weight onto her. The sudden heaviness caused Giselle to stumbled in her steps. She swore underneath her breath then turned to smack him in his upper arm. 

Shooting him a deadly look, she scolded, "I told you to not do that to me." He laughed at the short angry girl in front of him. He couldn't help but pull her back to place his arm around her. "Anyway, why was it bad news?" She asked in curiosity while she tried to ignore his arm around her.

As they reached the parking lot, he replied, "Apparently, Luna and I with the other three doctors got sent to attend this meeting to learn more about some of the new techniques for surgery in California." 

Taking a deep breath, then exhaled out loud, he purposely pushed Giselle out of his arm, as soon as he spotted his car. He burst out laughing caused her temper to rise for a hot minute. 

After she stumbled forward, she turned back to raise her hand then chased after he to try to smack him. "This is why I don't like walking with you!" She raised her voice as she pushed Vincent's back with full force. 

His tall figure with strong built didn't move an inch, instead, he grabbed her hand to hold. She noticed his action but didn't say anything. 

She knew that her relationship with him was no more than a brother and a sister. She didn't understand why he kept trying to treat her like they are a couple. To avoid the awkwardness, she let go of his hand and then started to run to his car. 

"Whoever gets to the car first will get a free meal!" She said. As she ran, she asked herself, why does he always act like this? 

Giselle never felt the same way as he does, no matter how nice he treated her. He was just a brother and a best friend to her. She couldn't bring herself to like him even if she tried. Plus, Luna likes him. 

She never wanted to break her friendship of her with Luna over just for a guy. She tried as much as she could to make him likes Luna back, but he seemed to get the wrong ideas every time.

Vincent laughed from far away before he started to jog after her. His exhaustion went away whenever he was with her. He tried to stop himself to like her, but he couldn't do it. 

He told himself countless times, that the girl who made his heart beats fast, she would never like him back. She only liked him as a brother. 

She told him in the past, but those words seemed to have no effect on him. It was a pain to him because the more he sees her, the deeper his feeling grows. 

Malicious Romance Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon