Chapter 18

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A couple of days had passed. Dean had been busy with both of the resort and casino's documents and meetings. Leaving from one building to another, he barely had any time to eat. There were a lot of problems with the casino that he had to deal with.

While Dean was reading the document, his office's door got swung open. His eyes shifted up to see his father and his five men in blacks walked in. He ignored his father before he flipped the paper to continued reading.

Bowen glared at his son in annoyance as he made his way to sit onto the sofa in the middle of the room. His father took out a cigarette then lit it up as he started to smoke inside Dean's office. The smell disturbed Dean caused him to furrowed his brows and bit his bottom lip.

Bowen Winchester cleared his throat as he said, "Your ego is growing bigger and bigger every day, huh." He waited for a reply and then turned to look at his son. "So... What have you been doing with the bastard Richard Chu? I have given this case for you to handle for the past two years. If only he didn't involve with your mother, I would have take care of it by myself already while you were in a coma. Shit is getting harder now ever since he became a chief. His authority power is getting stronger and stronger every day. You need to step up your fucking game, Dean. He is after our asses now. It is so hard for just importing in the drugs. The girls are even harder to sell now without getting caught." Bowen sighed out loud in frustration as he laid his back against the sofa.

Dean closed the binder with a loud thud. Immediately, he stood up and made his way to sit on the sofa across from his father. His lips curved into a wicked smile before he replied to the old man in front of him. "So what? Are you scared of getting executed or going to jail? For me, I am fine with either one."

Bowen's temper grew as he shot his son a deadly glare. His son's stubbornness had never changed. In fact, Dean in the present was never the same as when he was little. Bowen knew that his son was never scared of death, ever since the day that Dean had proved to him by shooting himself. Taking his cigarette out of his mouth to hold between his fingers, Bowen blew out the smoke as he held back his madness before he laughed in a dry tone of voice, "If I am scared, I wouldn't be doing this kind of job, Dean." He tilted his head a little as he continued, "By saying this, does it mean that you are letting go of Richard Chu?"

Dean swallowed hard as his smile disappeared from his lips.

The old man laughed at Dean's reaction before he said, "Think about it. He stole your mother, Dean. Even if you are not going to do anything to him, do you think I will set him free?" Shrugged his shoulder, Bowen faked a sad expression. "I love Tian Wu even though she never loved me. For a man who took my woman, I will never ever going to forgive him."

Dean's hands closed into two fists when he heard his mother's name. When can I start living without thinking about her? Dean clenched his teeth as he continued on listening to his father's words.

"Now I am giving you two choices. One, you get rid of him in your own way. Two, I will get rid of him in my own way, even if it is to kill his whole family." Bowen smirked as he brought his cigarette back to his mouth.

Raising his voice, Dean replied, "Shut up!" Slamming both of his palms onto the coffee table, Dean said with a murderous tone of voice, "Do you think you can scare me with those petty lives of irrelevant people?" Dean chuckled out loud in front of his father as he continued talking. "I will kill all of them for you to see. Just wait... because one day, I will become a snake and you will be surprised by who'll be the one to stab you in the back."

Dean flashed his father a mocking smirk before he stood up to make his way out. Bowen motioned his five men to stop his son. One of the five men went to block Dean's way at the door. Without any hesitation, Dean punched him with full force. The other four men in black came in to pull Dean'arm and tried to beat him up.

Dean who got trained since little was fast with every move. He was quick to dodge the punch and the kick from his father's men. Dean punched one of them in the mouth caused him to get dizzy before Dean pushed him into the other four men. One of them ran in, and Dean lifted his long leg within a second to kick that man in the chest. The man fell back a few steps before the other two ran in.

Dean didn't hesitate to ran in and punched each one of them aggressively with full force. As they trembled backward, Dean kicked them in their gut caused them to fell down and curled up on the floor. Dean's eyes shot up at his father before he raised one of his feet up to kick one of the guy's faces with anger. The man who got kicked by Dean suddenly went unconscious as his face turned aside making a crack sound from his neck.

The other four men saw how angry Dean was before they started to back away and stopped trying to challenge him even though Bowen Winchester had instructed them to.

Dean clenched his teeth as he said in a threatening sounded voice, "Don't you dare try anything stupid with me." He fixed his blazer by tucking it down before he took his leave.

While walking out, Dean felt a stinging pain from both of his bandages hands. He glanced at his knuckles to see that they were bleeding again before they could make a full recovery. Ivan and Leo noticed their boss coming back out with red stained bandage. They started to rush towards Dean then asked, "What happened, boss?" Leo glanced at Dean's hand with a worried look.

Dean took long strides to the elevator and didn't bother to reply. The moment he got into the elevator, he said, "Take me to the hospital." His voice sounded calm while his face expressed no emotion. Why hospital? When did I start wanting to go to the hospital? My wounds are not even that serious. Dean wondered to himself as he groaned a little in annoyance.

Dean grew up hating the hospital due to the trauma that they give him. When he was a young kid, Dean always got locked up inside the hospital room. He suffered from both physical abuse and mental abuse. The doctor would be coming into his room for at least three times a day to just inject him with the drugs that would calm him down.

The doctors got threatened by Bowen Winchester to treat Dean without asking too many questions of what Dean had gone through to end up in such a condition. Every day, little Dean felt like he would go insane because everyone was treating him like a psychopath.

Ever since the day he killed the disguise doctor, there were no more doctors that wanted to watch over Dean. Everyone was scared of getting kill by a psychopath boy. Bowen Winchester had no choice, but to transfer Dean to the countryside hospital. That was when Dean fell into Dr. Aldo's care.

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