Chapter Four

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Before Gary had left he told us that we would be fifth in line to do the course. He also said that we could watch. This was because it might take a while, since all the other groups consisted of around eight to nine people each.

Once we knew of our positioning, the group gathered around me and finally let out all the questions I knew they were dying to ask.

Hope immediately jumped at the opportunity; I was surprised I had only known her for a few minutes, and already I knew she would definitely be the leader of this group.

"You know your the first and only real person any of us have seen around here with dark hair. I don't know how you did it, but it's unique. You stick out like a sore thumb."

I raised my eyebrow slightly. Do people have the power to alter their appearances? As I am new to this whole power thing, how am I to know what powers people held. I had assumed I had seen every power in my room but maybe I was wrong. Maybe there was more unique abilities then I had seen.

I turned around to look at one of the holders to check and see if they were listening. As I had nothing to lose, I decided to answer any of their questions as best I could. Even if the answers weren't beneficial.

"Well, I didn't alter it in any way. It's been like this for as long as I can remember."

They all nodded in disappointment. I think they were hoping I had some power that allowed me to change hair colours.

Lucas was the next to ask me something.

"You know you are very unique looking. I don't know how I have never seen you anywhere before. You don't look weird or anything; I've just never seen someone." He obviously wanted to say something else, but he changed it to. "wearing sunglasses indoors before."

The others mumbled in agreement. Again I took another look at the holders. I wasn't their top priority right now, but to be on the safe side, I lowered my voice slightly.

"Well, until this morning, I had been kept inside my room my whole life." They all gave very different reactions to this. Some were in disbelief, and others were shocked. How could I blame them? I didn't even understand why I was here.

After this admission, they all went relatively quiet. Either they were mulling over what I had said or were just working out how best to ask me the next question.

Sarah gave me a small smile and spoke up in a mouse-like voice.

"I know Lucas mentioned it earlier, but why do you wear sunglasses indoors?"

Now this was a question I had absolutely no answer to. I suppose I could take them off, and they could tell me. But a part of me didn't because, for some reason, I wanted to see why first. What if my eyes were dangerous or scary? I wouldn't want to lose human interaction when I have only just gained it.

"I don't know. I only got given them a few hours ago. All I was told was to keep them on and not to take them off until told. As I feel you guys are bursting to ask more questions, I might as well mention the one you are most afraid to ask. Which I'm guessing is my metal chain-like accessories! Firstly, no, they are not a fashion statement, and secondly, I don't have an answer as I don't know why I have them on. Some other answers to questions you might ask. No, I don't know what my power is. No, I don't know why I'm in an alpha group since I haven't even run properly before. Anything I haven't answered?"

I was a bit worried I came off rude, but I knew they would ask, and I knew I had no answers. After all, I haven't got much experience with interacting with humans.

"Well, it seems you are more in the blue than we are." Carmen punched my arm playfully, but there was a sudden noise before anyone could react to his statement.

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