Chapter Fifteen

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I was up early and got to Jacobs room at what felt like seven on the dot with new clothes and wet hair. I knocked on the door and was greeted by Jacob in a very similar state to myself, except on him, it looked good. I touched my hair instinctively but pulled my hand back, trying not to fidget.

"You ready for me to open your mind then?"

I gulped, nodded, and moved out of the way of the door, allowing him to lead the way. As he walked, I tried levelling my breathing out, but the feeling I was getting just wasn't dimming. It was constant, and it made it so hard to concentrate, so I tried to push it to the side. After all, I am going to let him poke in my mind. I don't want him to know how he makes me feel.

We returned to the room I had entered yesterday morning, but it now looked more inviting. It had two sofas that sat opposite each other, beside them were two armchairs and a coffee table in the centre. There was also a table that sat a few meters from one of the sofas, which held a big jug of water with a few cups, baked goods and sandwiches.

I was instantly drawn to the sofa on the right, so I sat down, and Jacob hovered by the sofa chair next to me.

"Let me remove the armrest and back to make it easier for me to access your head."

He adjusted the sofa, and I laid back down while he moved his chair behind me. He then placed his hands on either side of my temple. I felt a tingle as he did, but I swallowed it down and tried to relax.

"Okay, Daisy, I'm going to have to ask you to let me in completely. You can't resist; it will be a lot easier for me if you try not to hide anything, if that's possible. This will feel uncomfortable, and you will try your hardest to push me out, but I need you not to do that. Please relax, and when you feel like you need to push back, instead relax and do the opposite of what your mind is saying."

I closed my eyes and tried to picture my mind like an open door. Honestly, there wasn't much I wanted to hide. I've barely done anything with my life.

Well, except for the incident with my group. I moved slightly and relaxed as much as I could. It wasn't easy or comfortable, but the less time this took, the better.

I felt a tingly uncomfortable feeling the minute he entered my mind. I couldn't see anything, but I could feel it. If I had to describe it, then I would say it felt like pins and needles while also sitting in a bath full of lukewarm water. I could also feel a nagging in the back of my mind every few seconds.

After roughly fifteen minutes of searching I started to feel someone pushing. It was excruciatingly painful, so I resisted it.

I know I was instructed not to, but it's different in the moment. I just wanted him out. It hurt, and I didn't care what my head held; I needed the pain to stop.

I must have screamed because the pain stopped, and Jacobs hands had moved from my temple, and I was back to lying on the sofa. I opened my eyes and sat up. Jacob was still sitting on his chair but was now holding an unreadable face.

"Daisy, what did you see and feel?" I turned my body towards him and tried to reflect on what had happened.

"I didn't see anything, but the pain was so unbearable. I know you said not to resist, but I had too. I felt like if I didn't stop, you might have ripped my head apart."

He nodded, stood up, and started to wander the room; he kept walking until he had double-backed to my sofa; I moved up so he sat next to me.

He placed his hand on top of mine and squeezed. I didn't mind, but I was confused about why.

Then he looked up at me with pity in his eyes. Never had I seen anyone give me pity.

I didn't like it.

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