Chapter Sixteen

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I laid down and closed my eyes while Jacob moved his hands to my temple. I relaxed as much as possible, trying my hardest to make my head feel like a feather.

I knew he was in when I felt the uncomfortable feeling I always did. But when the pain started this time, I wasn't just greeted with black. No. This time, I was greeted to my old room. The pain stopped, and I was brought into that memory.

I looked around and saw that the room was relatively empty, which led me to believe I was young and hadn't put my stamp on the place yet. Except there was a blonde woman in the room crouched in front of me.

She was younger than when I last saw her, but there was no denying that it was pigeon lady.

She moved from her crouch position to sit on the floor opposite me, her hands were out, and she was trying to coax me towards her. I must have been very young because even though she was talking and saying a lot, I couldn't understand what she was saying. It just sounded like gibberish.

I wasn't playing ball; I was just sitting in silence, staring at her. As I was still in my body in this memory, I couldn't move; I could only do what little I had done at the time.

I could see the lady getting more and more irritated by my disobedience. After she realised I wasn't going to do anything, she stood up and made her way to the door. She knocked, and the door opened.

Before the door closed behind her, I heard one word that my little brain seemed to comprehend.


I know that there was more to that word, but I couldn't understand what she was saying. I was then pulled away and sent to another memory.

I must have been at least four years old as I could stand and walk. Also, when the pigeon lady spoke again, I could understand every word she said.

I could tell that she was rather angry and not amused by my childish antics of running around and giggling at her as she tried to catch me. I felt the giddiness within me; I knew for a fact that I hadn't had much human contact in a while because little me was craving attention from this lady I would otherwise find rather scary.

The fact I hadn't seen another memory since the last one made me think this was the second time she had come in. If this was left in my mind untouched and I wasn't being shown it on purpose, I probably wouldn't have been able to recall it anyway, so it must have meant they removed any memories of the pigeon lady from my head. At least, that's all for now.

In this memory, she was standing on the opposite side of the room, but she wasn't trying to be sweet; instead, she was trying to get me to cooperate. I was being very defiant and was very vocal about it.

She was trying to get me out of the room, but I was very determined not to go. I was being very vocal and brave; I just wanted her to stay and play. I had never left the room before, and when I had taken glimpses outside, I couldn't see anything but a dark hallway. I was young, and the idea of leaving was the only thing that scared me.

The pigeon lady had lost all patience eventually huffing while directing two guards in. They weren't wearing masks like they are now; instead, I could see the two guards' plain faces and blonde hair.

"Pick her up and take her to the lab."

Suddenly I was jolted and placed on the back of the holder's shoulder. I shouted, screamed, and smacked around as much as possible.

But nothing worked. They just kept walking out of the room.

I was screaming and moving so much that I didn't even realise we had left the dark hallway, and I was now in a new white room. The guard took me off his shoulder and carefully placed me on a metal chair in the centre of the room.

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