Chapter Twenty-One

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The doors opened into a large room that had been designed to look like a lounge, except because the room was so big, it didn't give that cosy feeling a lounge can give you.

Instead, it was a large room with a huge grey corner sofa placed in the centre of the room. It currently sat on top of a fluffy white rug. It seemed the rest of the room was very sparse. Didn't help that the room light was so dark due to there only being one light on that was currently focused onto the sofa, so it meant I couldn't see anything surrounding it. If I had to guess, the rest of the room was filled with books, drinks and maybe even a small kitchen.

When we both walked to the centre, we could see the two parents cooing at their baby, lying in a rocking cot in front of them. Seeing them like this made me remember these are real people, not just the kingdom's rulers but a mum and dad. I started to smile but then remembered this wasn't the case for everyone, and with that, my smile faded.

I came to a stop in front of the sofa, but when they didn't look up, I gave a little cough. This pulled them out of the baby trance; they looked up at me and then at Jacob. When Francesca spoke, it was in a low voice, just loud enough for us to hear but quiet enough not to wake her child.

"Are you okay, Daisy?" I looked at Jacob and then back at the two parents.

"Why are you not helping Jacob and his kingdom?" I could tell my voice was rapid and rising in volume, so I slowed down and quietened my voice. "He needs help and is lacking the manpower you can provide."

They both looked at Jacob and then back at me. I expected Francesca to speak, but Thomas did instead.

"Daisy, we can't just send our soldiers out there. We have spoken to Jacob about this." To this comment, he gave Jacob a sideway frown.

"You have to remember our soldiers are our people. We can't just send them to their death for a kingdom that has done nothing for them." I looked at him with shock plastered over my face.

Was he seriously telling me he wouldn't help hundreds of thousands of people because he gained nothing from it?

Just because you have your own kingdom, it doesn't mean you can only help yours. They all share a planet. If it gets attacked in any way, they should help fight it.

Any respect that I had built for them was now fading to nothing. They must have seen my face because Francesca tried correcting him.

"It's not that we don't want to help. It's just we don't have the resources or knowledge. How many people are there? What hold do they have on them." I shook my head. I wasn't having this. I was angry, but I kept my voice quiet because I didn't want to wake a sleeping baby.

"Well, that can all change. You could talk to the other royals and combine your forces. To understand their hold, then have a stake out on them. It's not hard. I am not asking you to sacrifice your people. I am asking you to help his." I pointed at Jacob while I said this.

I wish I hadn't looked at him when I did because I could see the anger building up in him. "If you don't do anything for them, then I will. I may not have lived here very long or been the perfect guest recently, heck I wasn't even functioning yesterday, but I know it's possible for you to help them. You are just too stuck up to even try."

I most definitely pushed their buttons because they both stood up and walked towards us with their back to their baby.

"Daisy, you have no right to say those things. You don't know the customs. If we were in trouble, no way would they come to help. They only have themselves to blame. If only they protected themselves with more than words." Francesca wasn't finished because she spoke again. "Daisy do not leave this kingdom to go help! You are part of my people now and what I say goes."

I could feel Jacob about to talk, but I didn't want them doing anything to him, so I pulled his arm and squeezed it before I spoke.

"That's utter rubbish. Not everything you do has to give you some gain. Not everything has to have a reason. If it's the right thing to do, then that's what should be done. I know you'll try to stop me from helping them, but if this kingdom's Queen can't stand up for what's right, I'll just have to show them all what real humanity looks like. I am not the ruler of this kingdom, and I won't ever try to be, but please start being the right kind of ruler. As for what I am going to do you have no say over my life I make my own choices."

I didn't let them respond; I was getting the last word in. I was still holding Jacob as I walked out of the room; he didn't struggle. He just walked out with me.

Once we were out of the room, I let go of his arm, and I started to make my way back to my room. "Why did you grab my arm? I was going to call them out."

I turned on the spot, was he having a laugh. I was trying to make sure they didn't do anything to get him locked up again.

"Sorry for trying to make sure you didn't get locked up before we could even try to save your people. Come on, let's go get our stuff and pack. We must save your kingdom ourselves because we won't find help here."

I turned around and made my way back to my room; I was angry now. I did have control over my power, but I could feel myself getting riled up and knew that if I pushed myself too much, I would pop.

Jacob ran up behind me, and we walked back in silence. I could tell he was still angry, but we both wanted the same thing, to help his people. I am sure we will carry on this argument later when we have a bit more time.

Whatever had kept me in my bed the last couple of months was trying to make its way up again, but my anger was too powerful for it to make an appearance.

How could you just leave a kingdom and not try to help one bit? Humanity just feels like another word for selfishness.

Once at the rooms, we split up, and each collected our stuff. Since my bag was very empty on my trip here other than the one change of clothes, sleeping equipment and tent. I took everything out and packed as much underwear and socks as possible in a spare clean bin bag I had found in the bathroom.

I then filled another with some extra clothes. No dresses, unfortunately, just some tops and trousers. I also found a long black hooded cape-like jacket that I wrapped around myself in the back of the wardrobe. I was going to get changed, but we needed to leave before Francesca and Thomas could stop us.

I filled my bottle up with the sink water and packed some toiletries like towels, flannels, soap and toilet paper. After all, we would need as much energy as possible, and I know you can feel more exhausted when you're dirty.

I did a quick check of the room and my bag. The only thing I had left was the outfit I had been dressed up in on the way here. It made me feel sick to even see it. So there was no way that was coming with me.

Taking one deep breath I walked out the door, closing it behind me knowing it was very unlikely I'd see it again.

Jacob wasn't out yet, so I knocked on his door and waited outside. He must have brought more than me because he wasn't out for over fifteen minutes, so I sat against the wall beside his door. I could have gone back into my room and got changed this time, but I knew I'd try to pack more, so I decided it was better not to go back in.

As I sat and waited, I promised myself no matter what happened, I would never use my powers again. I couldn't be the reason another person lost their life.

Something that many think makes you strong and powerful makes me feel weak and powerless. I was thinking about going in and getting Jacob when I heard the door opening beside me. He looked down at me, giving me a wide smile. He then held his hand out to me. I grabbed it, and the sensation he radiated was recognisable again, but I pushed it away. The only thing I am here to do is help save Jacob's kingdom.

"So, do you have any idea how to leave this place?" I said, looking back and forth down the corridor and then at him.

"I think I know the way out that you escaped through when you got here."

I looked at him, puzzled, how could he remember something I barely did.

"I didn't just see your hidden memories when I was searching." I nodded, trying not to let those memories take over. I gestured for him to lead the way, and he chuckled slightly. It wasn't a heartfelt chuckle. It was very reserved, like everything he had done since we met this morning.

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