Chapter Five

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Once we had arrived back at the lockers they all got changed into their clothes. I went into the office and did the same remembering to put the clothes I wore today in my bag and putting it on my back. The others came in and seated themselves in front of the office desk. Since we hadn't actually done much none of us needed to shower so we were all pretty quick changing. I wasn't surprised to see that everyone had unique outfits on.

Hope and Sarah both had on black exercise leggings with matching black vests. It was finished off with a jacket that was unique to them. Hope's was a dirty pink and Sarah's was a dirty lime green.

The boys wore similar outfits but instead of leggings they had tight black tracksuit bottoms on with matching black shirts. Again, they each had different coloured jackets. Lucas's was a dirty marina blue and Carmen's was a dark blood red. It seems that they wanted them to be unique but not too bright to catch the attention of enemies.

I once again stood out because I had been dressed up differently. For someone who was locked away hidden from the world their whole life I seem to be very much on show right now. I for one did not like it. Especially because I have had no explanation as to why.

Just as I expected I got dirty looks from all my teammates because like me they wondered why I was dressed so differently. It didn't help that I knew nothing about myself and it must have frustrated them to be in a group with some complete stranger who seems to bring nothing to the table.

I've spent so long being the outcast I don't know why I ever thought I could be anything more.

I once again felt like even though I had been let out of my makeshift prison I was still somewhat a prisoner. Before I had any more time to dwell in my own self-pity the door to the office opened and in stepped Gary with a big grin on his face.

Gary sat himself down at his desk chair and picked up a letter that had been placed on the centre of his desk. He read the front and ripped it open skimming down the letter super quickly. Once he had looked over it a few times he placed it down and stared across at us. The grin now fading away from his face.

"As you have seen I have just received the latest news and it seems you lot will be leaving the compound sooner than I thought. The situation out in Elbnar is worse then we all expected." I looked around at the others to see if they recognised the name of this place. But it seemed like they didn't recognise the name either. But it could have been that they had heard the name so much it didn't even stand out to them. They all just looked giddy with excitement at the task to come. "As it is less than a days trip away I imagine you will have enough time to recharge."

Gary was about to open his mouth again but Lucas interrupted him. "You mean to say we will be leaving today?"

Gary nodded and try to pick up where he left off. "Yes Lucas which is why I am briefing you. It seems the ship that will take you is just outside. I expect you to all have the correct belongings already on your person. I am sorry but I do not have anymore information about what exactly you will be needed for. But please remember that you have been trained in fighting as well so please try not to rely on your powers too much." He then looked over at the holders standing outside the room then back at me.

"Daisy I have been informed to tell you that your holders will accompany you and the rest of the group out there. They will apparently be in-charge of you and everything you do, so you have to do whatever they say. Dr Cartwright has also informed me that I am to make the rest of the team aware that they are only there to protect Daisy so will only jump in if Daisy is in any kind of danger." I assume this Dr Cartwright is the pigeon lady I spoke to this morning.

Like I expected all sets of eyes fell on me. I guess they were all wondering the same thing I was. Why am I the only one who needs protection?

"Unfortunately, that is all I have been told. Please gather your things and make your way to the ships waiting outside the bunker." With that we were swiftly directed out of Gary's office and to a big metal door leading outside.

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