Chapter Twelve

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I don't know how long I had slept, but it definitely wasn't very long since the bed was extremely uncomfortable, and my new bedroom wasn't exactly the quietest place to be in. Doors were opening and closing all night, and odd noises kept coming from outside. This didn't act like a lullaby.

Earlier this morning, my new neighbour had left. I knew this because I had heard him talking to the guards this morning. As he moved further from my cell, the voice got quieter. So I just assumed from there.

That all happened serval hours ago, and I haven't even heard the scrape of a door since. In fact, now it's daytime the place is silent.

I was walking around the room, trying to find something to entertain myself with, when the door opened, and four guards entered my room. I quickly put my bag on my back, and they led me out of the room and back up to the main part of the castle. We weren't going back to the room from yesterday; instead, we veered off to the left and entered a room surrounded by chairs, with one sitting directly in the centre.

I knew instantly this was some kind of courtroom. It looked similar to how many of my books had described. Wooden furniture stood at the front, which held podiums like those found in a courthouse. But it had one difference: it was brighter than any of my books described.

Once inside I was directed to the centre chair and told to wait. From there, It didn't take long for the room to fill up with lots of people. I didn't watch as people entered. Instead, I looked down at my feet. I could still see the chains on my ankles, and it reminded me of why I was here. As I was looking, I instinctively grabbed my wrist to feel the chains held there.

I was still feeling my wrists when the doors opened again, and I heard the scraping of chairs as everyone stood up. I didn't even move my head. I just stayed with my eyes trained on the ground.

The people who had just walked in made their way to the other side of the room and must have told everyone to sit as there was a rumble of noise again, then silence.

"Can the prisoner please lift their head?" I don't know why, but I chuckled a bit as it was funny because I really am and have been my whole life. Once I wiped the grin off my face, I lifted my head up and faced the front where the man and woman from yesterday sat very emotionless like before.

"What's your name, prisoner?" I didn't answer straight away; I was a little distracted by all the stares and whispers directed towards me. I was about to answer, but the feeling of so many eyes on me made me feel a little uncomfortable.

So, I composed myself and answered the question. "My name is Daisy, Daisy P."

The man from yesterday shushed the few people talking, then stood up and moved towards a stand before him. "What does the P stand for?"

The question stumped me as I wasn't sure what it meant, but the fact I was put with a group of A's, I can only assume it's a grading system. "I am unsure I think it's some kind of grading system. The people I came with were mostly A's, but I'm not entirely sure." Thinking of my group made me nauseous, but I swallowed it and focused on the man.

"Okay, Daisy P, why did you come into our kingdom, try to steal my child, kill your whole team, then legged it only to be caught hours later out in the open. Why are your actions so contradicting?"

"I didn't want to steal your child. I was only let out of my room a few weeks ago and was sent straight out here with no explanation, just to follow my team and to never take my glasses off. I have been chained up ever since I can remember. When I first took your child, I wasn't in control. The only time I was in control in that room was when I gave him back to you. I maybe your prisoner, but I have been a prisoner on my own planet for many years before this. Giving you your child back was the one decision I was allowed to make myself, and it was the right thing, so I did it, but it cost me a lot, and I have no idea what happened once I blacked out. Like I said before, do what you want to me, I'm not in control of what I am and have nothing left to fight for."

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