Chapter Eighteen

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A jolt ran through my body, and I shot up in my seat. I was finally out of my memories. Everything that had happened to me now belonged to me again.

I felt so full of hatred when combining everything I had just been reminded of with everything I had done over the last year. I could feel my blood boiling, and the powers I had buried so deep now came up in an emotional response. The sofas then started to shake, and I could hear a distant rumble.

Jacob must have caught on because the next thing I knew, he was holding me close and soothing me. The feeling he gave me instantly pulled me out of my outburst.

From everything I had just seen, nothing would surprise me if Jacob and I's chemistry was more than just the royal blood connection. No one had that much chemistry before even knowing each other.

I didn't care what it was; I just knew that I needed him near me if I would ever be able to calm the monster that I am.

Once I had settled down, I sighed and leaned back on the sofa.

"I just can't believe they removed all that. They hadn't even finished testing my skills before sending me out. Why was it so important that I come here."

But as I recalled the mission, I realised why they needed me out here. I am a weapon; my memories confirmed that for sure. One thing was nagging at me, though.

"Why were some of my memories still blank? Like all my blackouts, I didn't see any of them. For example when I arrived here, I don't remember anything done then. Have they done something else to block those memories? Why did they send me here? Do you have any ideas?" The minute he looked at me, I could tell he had no ideas, but he tried reassuring me.

"I am sorry, Daisy. I really don't know. That's all I could find. It seems those blackouts weren't a part of your memories. But we will work it out. It's been months since you got here, and we haven't had a single sighting of them." As he talked, I tried to think back to those blanks, but nothing new came.

"We can tackle them another day. But for now, I need a break, my head hurts, and I need to take my mind off everything I saw today." I could tell he wanted to embrace me again, but I turned away. The idea of touching anyone right now scares me a little. I think the initial reaction has worn off; I'm just left with the trauma.

Jacob must have understood because he didn't push anything; instead straightened himself.

"Well then, I have the perfect place to go."

Once we had put the room back to its original state, Jacob led me to the kitchen where we had been having breakfast and dinner. Usually, when we would come in here, it would be packed with staff and sometimes even Francesca's family, but when we arrived, it was empty.

Jacob pulled out a chair and gestured for me to take a seat. I sat down and watched as he started pulling out food.

I did watch him for a bit, admiring how delicately he cut the vegetables, but I didn't want to look too creepy, so I turned away. Instead, I looked down at my nails and started to pull my cuticles down.

A part of me wanted to revisit everything I had seen today. Even though these memories were always there, and all Jacob had done was unhide them, they still felt foreign to me. I can't believe I've lived the last few months without knowing everything that has made me who I am.

As I twisted my hands, I saw something I had never noticed on my wrists. Five very faint grey dots. They were probably the size of a pea. They lay under the area of my arm that my cuffs had been on.

Could they have something to do with the blackout I experienced with my team? It might explain the cuffs. Maybe I knocked them when I was trying to take them off, and that is why I gained a small amount of control.

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