Chapter Six

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A couple of hours later, I was awoken by a loud Hope. "Come on, we are about to get our briefing." Since I had fallen asleep in my clothes and glasses, I didn't need to get ready, so I just got up and followed Hope out of the room.

The communal area was now full of my fellow teammates. They were all looking at a piece of paper in their hands. Carmen and Hopes papers were thicker than everyone else's.

I went to the table in the corner of the room that they were standing near. The table held a piece of paper similar to the others, but it was very thin. I looked down and saw my name written in bold letters on the front.

I picked it up, excited to finally find out something. But I was utterly disappointed because when I looked down, all I saw was two sentences.

'Do whatever your holders tell you to do. If you sense danger, do not try to intervene!'

Well, I already knew this. What's the point of this paper? It's just a waste. I crunched it up, threw it into the bin next to the table, and sat on one of the vacant sofas. I watched as the others read through their many pieces of paper. I can't be that important if I'm not even given information about the mission. I leant back and let out a big sigh. Would I always be left in dark isolation from everyone else!

After the rattle of papers stopped, I looked back at everyone again. They all look rather chuffed with their wads of paper. Since they were all given information, I thought I'd ask for clarification from them.

"So, can you guys tell me anything?"

They all looked down at their papers in unison and then back up at me. Lucas was the first to speak, "We can tell you the very basics. We are here to drop something off. Unfortunately, that's all we can tell you. Everything else is confidential."

"Thanks, it's better than nothing. Have they given you any directions?" Asking nobody in particular.

This time Carmen answered. "Yes, but it says we can't give them to you." I thought that would be the case, but it was worth a shot.

Deciding there was no reason to ask any more questions since I knew I'd get no answer, I decided to change the subject a little.

"Do you know how long we have left until we are at Elbnar?" Carmen looked down to his wrist, where a new watch was now occupying his once empty wrist. I looked around, and it seemed everyone in my team now had one of these watches. I instinctively looked down at my own to see my usual thick metal chains.

"It says that we should arrive within the hour." After Carmen had read his watch, he clicked a button, and the screen went black. At this stage, I had reason to believe this was just so I didn't see anything on it. But honestly, I don't think I would even try. I am obviously not meant to know anything. What's the point of trying to find out something they are trying to hide from me so much.

I went back to the bedroom feeling very deflated. I may no longer be sitting behind the glass box, but I am still an outsider. I am not even trusted with the information for this mission. I am curious to know how they expect me to help when they give me no information.

Doesn't help that everything I see is slightly tinted due to the stupid glasses I have to wear. So I cant even enjoy anything in their truest form.

I am really starting to miss my room. I know I was locked away, but at least I could entertain myself. I have nothing besides what I was given in my bag, which wasn't much.

As I didn't have much else to do, I just looked down at my hands that shined due to the two bulky wrist constraints that reminded me that I was still someone's property. I had never thought of it in this way before, but I was treated like something they owned and controlled.

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