Chapter Fourteen

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I knew I shouldn't have barged out, but I felt on fire, and I just needed to leave. I felt I could have burnt the whole place down if I hadn't.

After I had walked for a while, I started to calm down. My hands felt warm, and when I looked, I could see I had been squeezing so much that they had gone all red and had many nail marks covering them. I wasn't entirely calm, but I tried some breathing exercises to help.

While walking, I saw many people in dresses and suits walking into a room currently closed by a massive double door. As I didn't know my way back to my room, I decided to follow everyone in. I assumed that was where I was supposed to go in this dress anyway.

I was almost at the front door when I heard my name being called by a rather deep voice in the hallway. I turned around; after all, It was only really a feminine voice I didn't want to turn for.

Standing in the hallway was a very tall, dark figure. I didn't walk straight to them. I only walked close enough to see them.

Once I saw him, I took a few steps back. He was breath-taking. He looked like the description of every romantic interest I had ever read about in a book. Clean shaven with short, dark locks that didn't cover any part of his chiselled face. The more I looked at him, the more beautiful he became with his piercing blue eyes and dimpled cheeks. I didn't move forward even though every inch of me wanted to; instead, I decided I should know who the person was first. "Who are you? How do you know my name?"

"You don't recognise my voice? Bit offended that I didn't make that much of an impression. I am Jacob." The minute he said it, I remembered his voice in the neighbouring cell.

"I've heard a rumour that you're a princess?" I shrugged; it was still a touchy subject to me.

"If you don't mind shaking my hand, I would be very grateful. I don't know if you remember, but I can know for sure if you are a royal."

I held my hand out, and he took it. The minute we touched, I could feel it. The feeling he must not have known how to describe. It made my pulse race, and every part of me stood straighter. He became brighter and shinier. I felt like I was near royalty. The feeling of grandeur emanated from him. I quickly pulled away, but the feeling didn't disappear. Just being near him set off this sensor he had been talking about in the cell. But why didn't I feel it before we shook hands?

"So you felt it too? Guess that confirms the rumours."

"You said you never felt this with the Queen?" He gave me a grin and gestured to a small closet behind him. I nodded, checking to see if the two guards who had followed me from my room were looking away, they weren't, but I still followed him in. The closet was bigger than it looked, but we were still very tightly packed together.

"Well, you never feel the exact same thing with every royal. It varies, but one thing that sticks is the feeling of grandeur from the other person. You get used to the feeling, but it is always there, and the more powerful the royal, the stronger it is. Which explains why yours is so strong. You are obviously the last of your line."

"When you say it differs from person to person, what do you mean?" I didn't understand this feeling, but I knew that it wasn't something you would want to feel for your family.

He laughed and moved a little closer. "Well, it's hard to explain, but the feeling I have with my family and relatives is just grandeur and some admiration, but for you, it's something different. I have met other royals outside my family, but the only other feeling I had was a small amount of rivalry. But with you, it's something completely different. I've heard about it but only in books." He looked down at me, smiling sweetly. He obviously knew what it was, but I think he liked the fact only he knew what it meant.

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