Chapter Twenty-Four

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When I awoke, I had a pounding headache which made my vision rather blurry. I blinked several times to try to focus on my surroundings. Wherever this place was, I knew one thing for sure, Jacob was near me. It felt like it did back in the castle when we were in our rooms.

Once my eyes had finally focused, I saw that I was sitting in a very colourful room. It was covered in yellow and orange draping's that made the room feel smaller than it was. I didn't get to have a whole look at the room because I felt many eyes on me, which pulled my attention more.

Turns out my watching eyes belonged to a room full of holders. It also included a few other people I didn't recognise and pigeon lady. Just like I had remembered, she stood smiling maliciously. I tried looking around the rest of the room in search of Jacob, but I couldn't see him.

My searching caught the eye of someone with the pigeon lady that I didn't know, who nastily remarked.

"You looking for your little boyfriend?" They obviously wanted to say more, but the pigeon lady interrupted them.

"Now, now, dear, we don't want to upset her just yet. We need her coherent." I just looked at her trying to make sure to have my bravest-looking face on, but the fear she had implemented through the years took over.

The last time I had seen her, I had looked her straight in the eyes with no fear, but now I knew who she was. She terrified me. She had caused me so much pain, and now that my memories had been returned, I cowered in her presence.

She caught on to my change of attitude towards her and came to crouch next to me.

"So, you remember? Well, that makes things a little tricky. But not impossible."

She nodded behind me, and I felt a sharp jab on my back. The pain was excruciating when whatever had entered my body left again. I then felt a warm substance falling down my legs, and that's when I saw the red liquid leaving from a massive hole in my stomach. I knew it hadn't hit anything serious, but it was definitely causing me to bleed a lot.

The minute it happened, I could feel my body trying to heal me, but I forced myself not to heal anything. I had promised myself I would not use any kind of powers this evil woman had forced out of me during my imprisonment.

She had moved away when I had started bleeding, but when the blood wasn't slowing down, she brought her face to mine again. I obviously either did exactly what she expected or I surprised her. I honestly couldn't tell.

"Either you've forgotten how to heal yourself, or you're forcing yourself not too. Daisy, I know you have some willpower, but I also know how easy you are to manipulate. In fact, you are easier to manipulate than even you know. But we need these." She pulled out two very familiar-looking wrist chains. She then proceeded to put them on my wrist.

If I wasn't suffering from so much blood loss, I would have fought against her, but having to stop myself from healing while also trying to stop the blood loss manually wasn't exactly easy.

I didn't feel any different with the chains on; I was still stopping myself from healing. The pigeon lady whispered to herself, but nothing happened. I knew she was expecting something cause her face dropped, showing off her hideous confused face.

As I spoke, I sounded a lot weaker than I wanted to. It didn't help that I was also stuttering as I spoke because I was now getting cold. I knew for a fact it was from the blood loss.

"Wh what was .... Su su suppose to happen?" I knew this woman felt nothing for me, but I did know that my powers meant a lot to her, so when she saw how weak I was getting, I knew it bothered her.

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