Chapter 2

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( A / N - picture of the castle)

Pyrros's pov:

"Dude you seriously cheated on that" Calder said motioning to the woods.

Me, Calder, Avira and Dimitri were racing to see who was the fastest, Dimitri won but he obviously won fair and square since he spends alot of time in the woods.

" Did not" Dimitri said.

" Did too" Avira said back.

" Did not"

" Did too"

And this went on until they changed to nah uh's and uh huh's for a good five minutes until they got aggravated.

" Fine whatever" Avira said brushing off the subject.

He groaned.

" I'm soooo boooored there's nothing to do out here,  we practically went everywhere and  did everything now it's just boring" he said lying on the ground.

" You think we're not bored too? Scoot over" Dimitri said as Avira scooted over so he was now lying on the ground.

Me and Calder joined them.

Your probably wondering why we're so bored, well the four us was just hanging out at our house.

Ever since the treaty the four of us and our parents live in the same castle at the heart of the woods.

Anywho, we were just playing around having fun until the house phone rang and our parents told us to leave the house and don't come back unless they say so.

So here we are bored out of our minds for the past three hours.

'Son you can come back now' my dad mind linked me.

I jumped up and ran back to the house, the guys must've got the same message cause they were running towards the house like I am.

" Finally" we all said in unison.

After ten mintutes of thrashing through the woods we made it to the house and barged through the door like a couple of maniacs.

" Thank goddess" we said in unison.

" Oh please you weren't out there that long" Avira's mom said while my mom rolled her rolled.

" Dont judge us we were bored out of our minds"  Avira said.

We all went to the living room and started watching TV.

My dad turned off the TV while Avira's,  Dimitri's and Calder's dad came in and sat in the opposite couches.

" What's up? " I ask.

" My beta and your godfather  Richard found his mate two years ago and is getting married in a couple weeks and has invited all of us to the wedding" he said.

" Bout time he found her" I said.

" So when are we leaving?" Avira asked his dad.

" Tomorrow the wedding will be held on a cruise ship on the beach we normally go to but the dinner recital will be in one of his hotels" his dad said.

" So all of you start packing we leave in the morning" my dad said getting up and walking away while the other dad's followed.

" So the old man finally found his mate huh? wonder how she tamed him if it took him two years to finally propose" I said.

" Don't know but I guess we'll find out soon once we discover her personality" Avira shrugged.

" Guess so" Calder said turning the TV back on.

We sat there for hours watching TV.

I kept going back to how 'uncle' Richard found his mate.  Will I find my mate there? It was very likely in the four packs to find they're  mates around by the beach.

"You too?" Avira said disrupting my thoughts.

" What do you mean?" I looked at him confusedly.

" Don't play dumb, you've been thinking if you might find your mate by the beach" be said nudging my arm with his elbow.

" Yeah so?" I said.

" We've been thinking the same thing" Dimitri said.

" Do you think we'll find them there?" Calder asked.

" I don't know but it is likely to find your mate at the beach so if they're not there then they're on the other side of the world" I told him.

" Do you think our mates will know each others and are best friends like we are?" Dimitri said.

" Hope so, it'll be a pain trying to introduce them and they don't like each other or you guys, if that happens then I don't know what to do, probably tell her if she doesn't straighten up her act I'll reject her" Avira said shrugging.

" Same" the rest of us said in unison.

" What if they were related, maybe sisters?" I said.

"That'd be cool, then legally we'll be brothers" Calder said chuckling.

" That would be cool" Avira said.

" So how bout in the meantime when we get there we'll look at some beach babe's" He said.

" Fine but I'm not flirting with them I'm saving all of this for her" I said motioning my body to let them know what I was talking about.

" Same" they said in unison.

" Boys dinner's ready!" Our moms yelled from the other side of the house.

We got up and headed towards the kitchen.

We entered and served our plates, we sat down and ate dinner in silence.

" So boys, thinking about finding your mates tomorrow" My mom said smiling.

" I guess, I mean if it turns out she's there but I wouldn't have high hopes for it, it'd be just a let down" I shrugged.

" sweety remember it is very likely for a werewolf boy like you to find their mate at that beach" she said ruffling my hair.

A Cheshire cat smile crept up on my face as a funny comment came to mind.

I looked at my mom and she saw the smile the type of smile I had on. She gave me the 'oh god seriously? ' face.

" Oh don't worry mother dearest I'll find my mate one day and give you eighty seven grand babies and they'll all call you grandma by the time they come out of the womb" I said looking at her reaction.

" I will not be a grandma and eighty seven grand babies hell no, I'd rather be called Nana" she said serving herself a plate.

I laughed and so did the boys.

We ate and was about to go to bed. We kissed our mothers cheeks and said good night to them. Heading up to our we said night and started packing.

After that I went to bed and thought about if I would see my mate.


Hope you liked it next chapter is about the his arriving to the surface.

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Bye bee \ ( ° ○ ° ) /

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