Chapter 54

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Pyrros pov:

I watch as the van drives off, Pyralis and I locked eyes and my heart wrenched when I realized that this could be the last time I ever see her. I mouthed to her, I'm sorry then in return she blew me a kiss before the car descended the hill.

I let out a deep sigh then out of the corner of my eye I see Avira running his hands through his hair, something he always does whenever he's frustrated.

"Fuck...FUCK!" He stomped over to the direction of the house.

I followed, as did Dimitri and Calder.

"Well that went oddly well don't you think?" Dimitri mumbled but we both could hear him.

"Oh dear friend this is just the beginning," I glance back to see Calder's knowing smile.

I sign, oh my god. What now?

We entered the house and the moment I went to steal a glance of my parents a blurred figure rushed past me.

I followed it and my eyes widened as I saw Alexander, Avira's dad, bring a fist back then connect it to Avira's cheek. Instantly Avira fell to the ground, screams from the women were heard as Alexander proceeded to kick Avira wherever he could.

"Stop it! Xander stop it!" Marie, Avira's mom, stepped in, blocking him from hitting their son.

"You had everything! And this is what you do!? I had to sit there and listen to Aura tell me you slept with a she wolf in the wolf king's castle and then you attacked Ela for defending her!?"

"That bitch set me up!"

Dimitri rushed over to Avira but I was one step ahead, I wrapped my arms around him then pulled to the other side, Calder assisted me.

"Calm down, he's already getting what he deserved."

Dimitri smacked his teeth then shrugged me off.

"Avira, go," his Mom told him.

Avira stood, spitting the blood from out of his mouth then glared at his Dad.

"The hell you glaring at boy?" Alexander began to move towards him but Marie pushed him back and didn't resist.

"Who do you think I'm glaring at, I know what I did. I'm gonna get her back so don't get your panties in a twist."

"Sounds to me you're not sorry one bit, but then again how could you when you confessed to your mate that you're in love with the she-wolf," I glance over at Calder giving a look to indicated that he wasn't helping, but I knew he didn't care seeing that he was clearly enjoying the situation and he wanted to antagonize even more.

"What I said and what I did was a mistake."

"Oh please save your lies for someone else, you're just upset that you got caught."

Avira was quiet for a short moment then that smirk of his came.

No, please don't.

"You know what, I think I might've done Marine a favor."

"Careful friend."

"I think Marine is a lot safer without your crazy, psychotic ass who doesn't even know what love is."

"Your words don't hold water but what do you know what is? The sperm that is inside Cerise."

"Son, where are you getting at?" Christian, Calder dad spoke.

"You know exactly what I'm implying."

My eyes widened and I couldn't stop my mouth gaping, "Avira you didn't," I covered my mouth.

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