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3rd Person

Ever since they started dating, people could see the changes between the two.

Rosie did not need any confirmation or declaration from the two to conclude that her two friends are going out.

Everything went smoothly that was until three days later when Jennie's father came barging in with a man who saw Lisa and Jennie hugging each other.

"What do you think your doing Dr. Manoban?!" Mr. Kim asked his tone was hard.

Jennie immediately intervened before her father could further ask. "What are you doing here, dad and why are you with him?" Jennie asked she was refering to the man who came with her father.

Before Mr. Kim could answer the man answered, "I came with dad because we agreed to talk about the wedding preparations." He explained. Jennie was about to puke hearing his voice but what stoned her to place was because of the words the man had uttered. Wedding preparations.

Her father was always keen on marrying off one of her daughters with the Kwon's since the Kim ranked 10 overall in standings of wealth, and having this opportunity to merge eith the family eho ranked third overall will give a big impact on their name.

Her father was that ambitious, to the point that he did not care when his eldest daughter ran off just not only because of holding the position of director but also because of this supposed arrangement.

For her father, as long as, one of his daughters can be sacrificed for his ambition that was all that he cared for.

Seeing that Jennie stood frozen to her place Lisa had reached out for her making her wary of her surroundings again. Jennie then turned to the younger doctor with a look full of regret.

Regret because she forgot that such arrangement still exist.

Regret because they had just started and it seems that it will end so soon.

Regret because she would not be able to fight for their love.

Lisa, when she saw her woman's look she knows that something was wrong and she did not like one bit what Jennie was thinking amd she would not want to know.

Jiyong saw these interaction of the two woman but he did think much deeply of it. Knowing how homosexual relationship is frowned upon in Korea and knowing that the Kim's is a clan who cares so much about their reputation, Jennie would not dare to taint.

He cleared his throat and approached the women and introduced himself.

"Hi, you must be new here. I am Kwon Jiyong, Ceo of Kwon Enterprise and Jennie's fiance." He said as he extended his hand.

Lisa knew who he was. He was the man whom she caught kissing Jennie. And honestly if she can pounce at him all at once he would have but she knew her place and she could not blow her cover just yet.

After all the things she was doing is for Jennie.

"Lisa Manoban." She stated as she accepted his hand but she gripped it tightly making him feel the pressure which made him let go of her hand immediately.

Mr. Kim then cutted them "don't you have any patients to attend to Dr. Manoban?" The old man asked wanting Lisa out of Jennie's office this instance.

Lisa would have wanted to retaliate but she saw Jennie slightly shake her head which meant that the woman was silently asking her to let it go and comply with the man's request.

Seeing how her woman was suddenly back to her diligent daughter act. Lisa could only clench her fist tightly and merely nodded and the gentlemen inside the room without sparring any glance on Jennie's way.

Jennie knew she made the younger woman mad. They have talked before and Lisa had encouraged her to stand up to her decisions that after the recent affair she discovered ger father was at it was time to put the old geezer on his place but it seems that it would not be the case.

Jennie cannot go against her father's wishes even though the man in front is not deserving of any ounce of respect from either of her daughter's.

But regardless Jennie should be careful. It was because she was afraid that if she act against her father's wish the man would do anything within his power to destroy not only her but her sister.

Despite Jisoo leaving her behind she still would do everything for her unnie because she knows Jisoo had sacrificed just as much for her before and doing this now is the least that she could do.

Taking a deep breath, she instructed her father and and her supposed fiance. If she had to let Lisa go then that is what she needed to do.


Going back to the emergency room, Lisa could only sigh. She could not believe that Jennie.

Deciding that she needs to clear her head she went to the lounge to take her rest.

However when she entered she was welcomed by Nurse Park and other hospital staff who were happily chatting as they devoured their food.

"Lisa! You're here come and join us Dr. Bae was feeling generous today and bought 2 boxes of pizza for everyone." Rose invited ever so happily as she munch her 2 slice of ham and cheese pizza.

And Lisa could only shake her head upon seing the nurse's enthusiam when it comes to food.

She got a slice and thank Dr. Bae for her treat. Somehow having lunch with these bunch of people had made her forget of what happened earlier.


Unknown POV

A woman silently entered the cubicle and called an unknow number. She made sure that the entire restroom was free from any person.

'Hello?' The unknown person said.

'They had already begun. Shouldn't you make your appearance now?' The woman informed.

'It is quite to early. So not yet. Just continue keeping an eye on her.'

'What else can I do just make it quick, I don't like this encounter to repeat.'


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