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3rd Person

To say, Jennie did not even shed a tear from walking out of her supposed engagement, she was in fact thankful that it had happened. She immediately called for a taxi and went home.

As soon as she had arrived home, Jennie immediately changed and went to bed because she knows that it would be a troublesome day tomorrow especially after she left her supposed engagement party.


Next Day

Entering the hospital lobby, Jennie hated what she saw. She hates it when people look at her as a pitiful woman. She knew where that look came from, how the news could spread so fast.

These were the times she wished she was not her father's daughter. It was a big toll for her to be known as the Kim's heiress as every single rumor or news that had affected their family affects her the most, it was as if questioning her ability to be the matriarch of the family in the future.

And in situations like this, Jennie could only sigh and stand firm to the mask that she wears which was putting up a stoic expression.

She went walked normally and did not bypass anyone afraid that they might suspect her wariness.

As she had settled on her office she went through the stuffs she had to work for because of the delay the past few days which was caused by the supposed engagement ceremony.

Jennie had a busy day that morning and when Rosie entered her office with a bunch of files on hand the doctor only groan in annoyance of her unending paperworks.

"That much huh?" The nurse asked.

"Gosh Rosie, why do I feel that the paperworks are unending..." before Jennie could continue complaining to her best friend her office door suddenly bursted open showing her enraged father who had brought his assistant with him.

"You..." he father stated. One single word yet his veins were already popping out showing angry she was.

"Mr. Kim you are not allowed..." he immediately cut off what Rosie was about to say.

"Shut up Park!" He shouted and Rosie could only glare at him knowing that she has no place to rebut to the old man.

"Jennie... " He coughed but continue. "I gave you everything how could you have walked out yesterday like that not even minding my plea?!" He asked mad about how his daughter had neglected him yesterday despite his plea.

Jennie could only scoff hearing his words. Not believing that such question would come from a man who is supposed to be her so called father. "Do you hear yourself father, or should I really call you that?" And pak, a loud echoing of Mr. Kim's slap echoed in the room.

Rose could only gasp seeing how her friend was struck in the hands of her own father. She could not believe that he would resort to such method and hurt his own daughter.

"You had shamed the entire clan for standing up the heir of the Kwon last night! Did I not tell you to understand the situation well before reaching your conclusions?!" Jennie who was still in shock looked at her father in shock.

"No wonder my sister left! You are nothing but a spineless bastard pawning his own daughters for you own selfish benefits. You are not worthy to be called as a human." He would have struck his own daughter again thankfully his hand was halted by Lisa's firm hold.

"I do not think you have the right to hit your daughter Mr. Kim." The young doctor said. Her tone was intimidating enough for the old man to comply.

"Do you know what you are doing Manonban?" The old man asked while he gritted his teeth out of anger.

But the young doctor was unfazed with his question and it was a new sight for Jennie to see. Lisa exuded an intimidating aura that makes everyone fear to approach her. It was far from the bright and joyful aura that she had showed in the past.

"Yes, I do." She answered as she stood near the woman who had captured her heart. "I am merely standing up for my woman whose father is a inhumane in almost every aspect."

"You will see your terminstion tonight on your desk doctor. I do not take lightly the people who is a threat to my plans especially if it holds true to my daughter Jennie." He explained with his tone lace of superiority.

And Lisa could only plaster a wide smirk as she shook her head. "Do not think much ahead of yourself Mr. Kim, do you think you still have the hold of this hospital?"

And the old man could only laugh at Lisa's statement. "Are you mad child? Do you not know that I own this hospital? I can fire anyone here and you dare question my authority?"

However, the supposed question that was directed to Lisa was answered by someone else.

"I beg your pardon old man." Everyone in the room turned to face the voice of the intruder and to say the least they were very much surprised to see who it was except for one that is.

With a smile the woman continued, "I believe you have lost ownership of this hospital an hour ago when the board of medicine received the copies of all the corrupt ways that the hospital participated into under your leadership. And it was about thirty minutes ago when they released the statement to the press informing the public that you have stepped down of the position and putting me in position."

"What?!" The old man's voice boomed but his assistant restrained him showing to him a live broadcast of the announcement that he was removed in from the hospital permanently.

"You ungrateful brat." He was about to charge the woman when she spoke. "I do not think you would dare lift a hand on me if you do mot want another lawsuit sent on your house?" She challenged. "After all I learned from the best right, father?"

"Jisoo!!!" It was then when the old man was dragged out of the room by guards and finally there was silence in Jennie' office.

1039 Words

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