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3rd Person

The preparations for the engagement party had begun.

After the seemingly thorough talk that Jennie had with the two gentlemen. The men insisted to rush things because of countless reasons one of which is that Jiyong was pressured by the Kwon's to settle down or else he would be forced to vacate his position as Ceo of the enterprise.

To say the man was only eager yo grt married to safeguard his inheritance. But he would not deny the marrying one of the daughters of the Kim is already quite a bonus. His a man after all and the sultriness of the second daughter attracts him ver much.

While for Jennie she merely complied as as if she was born a robot ready to comply to whatever things father feeds her. But in reality it was very hard for her.

The day after her father and fiance left began the avoidance game of her and Lisa.

She knew the younger woman had tried to approach her more than necessary but it was Jennie who tried her very best to avoid Lisa.

However, it seems that the willpower of the younger doctor was beyond compare as she made it possible to corner the older one.

It was yesterday when it was already Jennie's time off that Lisa had waited like a stalker in the parking lot.

She knew that it was the only way that she would be able to talk to the doctor alone and although she knows that it was beyond creepy to do so she was already desperate.

Once she saw the older one approaching her car, she waited for the right time when Jennie had already opened her door that Lisa covered her mouth and drag her on the backseat.

To say, Jennie was beyond surprised of the sudden move that she thought her life was in danger but when she saw who it was she was somehow relieved but at the same time pissed off on what Lisa did.

So she immediately smacked the younger's shoulder using the hardest force thst she could. "You stupid little monkey! You scared the shit out of me."

However the younger woman had caught both her wrist in order to restrain her from further hitting. She might admit it or not but Jennie really can hit.

"It was the only way I can get you to talk to me after all you have been avoiding me. You cannot blame to resort in such means." The younger woman explained.

Jennie could only huff out her anger. But upon hearing Lisa's next words broke her heart.

"Why are you avoiding me Jen? Did I do something wrong? You know you can talk to me if ever I did. Just please do not avoid me. I cannot take not. It's just that I love you so much." Lisa stated in almost a pleading tone as she held Jennie's hand carressing it lightly.

Jennie could not bear seeing her lover in this state, the bubbly and easy going Lisa was far out of sight. She did not want to see this side of Lisa but this was the only way to keep the younger woman to reach the point of being broken beyind repair.

She took a deep breath and gave off her coldest aura. A sight of a woman void from any emotions. A mask that she had longed perfected and a weapon she strongly uses. Jennie pulled her hand off of Lisa's grasp and answered. "We are done Dr. Manoban. You should accept that fact as you can no longer change that. I was maybe just curious how it would be with a woman but we have to end that curiousity of mine now. As I belong to someone else, and that person is not you and never will be you." To say, thise words were full of lies, lies that Jennie chose to owe up to.

And to say the least Lisa could not believe that Jennie had said such words to her. The sweet woman of hers merely treated her as a lover out of curiousity while she had developed vast amount of emotions while they were together.

And at that point Lisa looked like she was crushed beyond repair. "I will forget this had happened, since I owe you an explanation afterall. But after this," Jennie said her voicd was on edge despite her emotions being all over the place she composed herself and deliver a full blown rejection against Lisa. "Never talk to me. Never approach me. And as much as possible stay away from me." 

Lisa could only bow her head in defeat. She had lost the woman she thought loved her.

"I understand." Lisa mumbled. "I'm sorry Dr. Kim, this won't happen again." Without any further words Lisa got out of the car and walked away from the woman that she loved.

Jennie was left as a sobbing mess inside her car. She was full on disheartened but it was a sacrifice she choose to do. And a sacrifice she was willing to do all over again.

Unbeknowst to the two they were being watched by someone who was hiding away from people's sight.

The person immediately held a phone and informed the man of good news.

"She had broked up with her lover Master. She is all yours now for the wedding." He informed the man behind the line.

"Well done keep an eye on Jennie and make sure she won't ever change her mind of Manoban. Keep an eye on her Dr. Jeon." To say the man was very much ecstatic of the good news who would have thought that everything would fall according to his plan.

"As you wish Master kwon."

Who would have thought that Mr. Kim's most trusted man was double - crossing him. Dr. Jeon Jungkook was never his ally but a trustworthy underling of the Kwon's who was tasked to execute a perfect plan for Jennie Ruby Jane Kim to be Kwon Jiyong's bethrothed. He was afterall tasked to watch over the Kim's beloved heiress.

1017 Words.

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