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3rd Person

Upon the commencement of the operation, Jennie saw how focused the newbie was. She observed the surgeon's techniques, the way she stood, the way her hands work, the demeanor she presents to her team and to say she was somehow impressed. It seemed that the woman in front of her was far what she expected a newbie to be. The woman's aura is commendable as if she was an experienced surgeon who have been in practice for a number of years.

But it seems that she spoke too soon as an error happened endangering the life of the patient. As they cut the patient open, his bleeding suddenly escalated. Jennie was shocked at the amount of blood she was about to suggest that she would head the surgery to minimize the damage. But what Dr. Manoban did surely impressed her.

The newbie maintained her composure. She instructed the people around with poise and had solved the unexpected error smoothly.

To say, Jennie could not believe a surgeon with only one year of experience performed such surgery without any ounce of nervousness in her facial features.

Behind her mask, Jennie wasn't able to contain her smile. The last time she remembered she smiled seeing an operation like this was when her sister, Jisoo, performed her very first surgery that their family was present to observe. If only her face was not covered it can be seen how proud Jennie was that the surgery went well than what she had expected.

The newbie immediately bowed and thanked the team that helped her sincerely.

After which, the people left one by one as the patient was transferred to a room for observation to make sure that his recovery would go smoothly.

Discarding the mask,  Lisa threw it to the disposal bin as she then faced her assisting surgeon. "I can't thank you enough for helping me there. I almost thought that I would perform the surgery alone." She said gratitude was evident in her facial feature. It was then when the assisting surgeon removed her masked that Lisa finally saw the full view of the surgeon's face, Lisa was beyond surprised to see that it was Jennie Kim, the director of Seoul National Hospital who helped her in the operation. The distinct facial features of the woman that can be seen in thousands of issues by magazines made Lisa instantly recognize her.

"Dr. Kim." Jennie, however, did not smile at her. There was no ounce of impressed visible in her facial features. The woman was as cold as ice in the aura that she was showing.

"I must say Dr. Manoban, I am quite impressed with how you have handled the problem back there. Luckily for you, the patient seemed fine or else you would have placed your position at risk. You even violated the hospital's protocol of taking over the patient that you have no permission with." And all Lisa could do was to bow her head and bite her lip out of nervousness that she might have put her chances to work in this hospital at stake. Shit, I must have ruined my shot here. Lisa thought.

However, that thought was short lived as Jennie's tone somehow changed. It became lighter and warm. "But I must say, all of those outweighs the spunk that you have shown and the performance in that surgery was very impressive." Lisa looked up and to say she was at awe seeing the director smile at her.  She truly is beautiful in person. Was all the young surgeon could think of.

"Anyways, I would say that your interview went well." Upon hearing it Lisa could only plaster a confused look not knowing what Jennie was meaning to say. 

"Welcome to Seoul National Hospital, Dr. Manoban. Tour performance and ethics in that operation very much exhibits what I needed to know. Anyways you could take a week off to prepare for your first proper shift in this hospital." And Lisa would have wanted to grab Jennie and twirl her around out of joy that she currently feels but she would not want to cross that professional relationship.

"Thank you." Was all Lisa could do and repetitively bow in gratitude. "I'll see you on Monday, doctor." And with that Jennie left.

And to say Lisa could not take her eyes off the hospital's director.

"Dr. Manoban." Lisa then face the person calling for her.


"Hi. I am Roseanne Park, head nurse." The woman in red hair introduced herself and extended her hand to which Lisa immediately accepted. "Lisa Manoban."

"Dr. Kim had informed me already of your acceptance in SNH, here is a guidebook to orient you about everything that you need to know. And here is the key for the locker that you will be using starting Monday next week." The nurse handed.

"Dr. Kim also instructed that if you would have any question you may contact me on this number since the head surgeon is on leave."

"Thank you Nurse Park." She elatedly said.

"Welcome to SNH once again Dr. Manoban, see you Monday."

As the Nurse had left, Lisa excitedly throw her fist up out of joy for being finally able to pursue a dream. I would make my teacher proud.

"You have potential kid." Looking up at the intruder Lisa flashed her questioning gaze.

Before the younger Lisa could ask some more question the intruder presented a her a paper containing an address.

"What is this for?" She asked.

"If your curious, might as well is it for yourself." With that the woman patted her head and left.

Lisa had plan to throw the paper but before she could do so her mother had called for her.

Putting the paper in her pocket she went towards her house.

Shaking herself out from her thoughts, she slapped herself awake.

I am here master-nim I will do my best to excel on your behalf.

She then went her way home with a smile on her face knowing that in a week she can finally begin her duty.

1017 Words

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