Chapter 2 || Annabeth

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Annabeth took her seat beside Percy and Nico. Nico was at the aisle seat, claiming he didn't like to be squished by people, Annabeth right next to him, Percy to her right, and Thalia at his right. She was squeezing his arm like no tomorrow. And maybe Annabeth imagined this, but she could see pain in Percy's gaze, tears building in his eyes. She frowned. Thalia wasn't squeezing that hard, was she?

"Thalia..." Percy gasped, "The... The show hasn't even started yet!"

"I'm preparing!" Thalia stopped squeezing before she squeezed again, Percy's other fist clenching in a ball.

"You know..." Nico said quietly, "This used to be Bianca's favorite show."

He seemed to say it directly to Percy, making everyone stop speaking. Annabeth knew that Bianca meant a lot to Nico, and that her death really hurt him. He had to live with Thalia and her drunk mom, who didn't even know Nico was staying in her home! Because since Nico's mom died, Bianca had been his life support. Now she was gone, too.

Annabeth couldn't ignore the pang of sympathy she felt for the boy, but she looked over at Percy's guilty face and shook her head as if to say 'it's not your fault'. She knew the stupid seaweed brain blamed himself everyday for it. Nico even knew it. Thalia knew it, too. But Annabeth knew it wasn't Percy's fault. It was Gabe's fault for drunk driving.

But a small part of her wondered why Percy hadn't called the police on Gabe.

"Calling the police on Gabe won't bring Bianca back." That's what Percy had said to her. But something just... didn't feel right.

"I will never be satisfied... I will never be satisfied..."

Thalia cheered as the lights dimmed, screaming. Her arms waved in the air like a crazy monkey. Percy was quietly sipping his sprite, which he had dyed blue with a small drop of blue food coloring he always kept in his pocket. You didn't need to ask Annabeth if that was the weirdest thing or not. It really was. Because he shamelessly used it EVERYWHERE. 

He did it to his pizza at school. He used it on his cookies at lunch. He used it in his drinks. He'd even drop it on cotton candy. And his water... oh, his poor water was also blue. At that rate, Annabeth was ready to say that Percy was gonna become a smurf.


And there wasn't a need for her to cheer. But Thalia was weird in that way. Annabeth glanced over at Percy, tears already in her eyes from the death scene. So subconsciously, she leaned her head onto Percy's shoulder. But she was surprised when he gave a pained yelp.

"Percy?" she asked, concerned.

Percy averted his eyes from her and stood up.

"Sorry," he said, distracting Thalia from her fan craze. "I've gotta go... to the bathroom."

He dashed out, leaving a very confused Annabeth staring at the spot he'd just been in.


"...GOTTA TAKE A SHOT!" Thalia chanted, waving her soda can in the air.

Percy still hadn't said anything as they walked down the streets. He had his hood up, his head down, his untied shoelaces scraping against the concrete.

"Thalia..." Nico groaned, "Stop it."

"No!" Thalia shoved Nico and he shoved her back into Percy, who winced again.

"What the heck, Percy?" Thalia paused when she saw him wince, "I didn't even bump you that hard!"

"I wasn't--"

"Are you trying to make me feel bad about something?" she interrupted him.

"No. It's... something else."

"Or is Percy being a crybaby?" Thalia mocked.

Percy stiffened at her words, causing Annabeth to shift slightly.

"I... I'm..." Percy stuttered, looking away.

"Thalia--" Annabeth started but Thalia began to poke at Percy.

"Aw! Is this gonna hurt?" Thalia cackled at each wince Percy made.

"Thalia--" Annabeth tried again but this time, it was Percy who spoke up.

"Stop it, Thalia!" he tried, but Thalia punched his arm.

Percy's eyes widened with pain and Thalia stopped, frowning.

"Percy, what's--"

"Leave me alone," Percy said, holding his arm as he walked away from the group.


"I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!" Percy exclaimed, his walk breaking into a run.

The three twelve-year-olds stared at the spot their best friend had just been in.

"Why did you do that?" Annabeth turned on Thalia.

Annabeth had known Percy since kindergarten, and whenever something hurt him, she could tell. He meant a lot to her. He was the closest thing she had to something that could make her smile. And seeing him react like that to Thalia made her blood boil, even if Thalia was also her friend.

"I wasn't doing anything wrong!" Thalia protested, "It was just a joke!"

"Well, he didn't take it as a joke," Annabeth chuckled bitterly. "Can't you see you hurt him?"

"By what? Calling him a crybaby? I wasn't even touching him!" Thalia exclaimed.

"You're right," Nico added, "But he seemed to be hurting at each touch, Thalia. I don't think it was you."

"Then who could it be?" Thalia asked as if it was the obvious.

It wasn't the obvious. It was clear for that. But inside, Annabeth knew Thalia was changing her mind. Realizing her mistake.

"Look," she sighed, glancing at the time, "We can catch some lunch at the deli and hang out at the park. Hopefully, Percy will join us."

"He never does," Nico rolled his eyes, "He's always saying he's busy and that his stepdad wants him home, or that his mom's home and he needs to go see her."

"Nico, is this about Bianca?" Annabeth sighed, knowing the boy really blamed Percy. "You know it wasn't his fault."

"It was his fault," Nico pressed, "If he had stopped Gabe from driving, he could've saved her. But he didn't. He didn't even call 911!"

"Calling 911 wouldn't bring Bianca back. He didn't even have a phone, Nico!" 

Nico sighed, looking away.

"Even if he didn't, Bianca's dead. I can't bring her back."

Annabeth looked in sympathy at the boy.

"But what I said about Percy is true. He never comes. Always busy."

All three of the friends agreed, but a thought lingered in their minds.

Busy with what?

We Olympians (A Percy Jackson AU) || BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now