Chapter 7 || Percy

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"What do you mean?" Percy froze.

"If you don't join, you won't be allowed in the safe-house in fear of suspicion you're on the other side. And if you're not in here, your looks will give your father away completely and you will be killed."

"Okay..." Percy said. "I'll do it."

"Good," Chiron said, giving him a watch.

"What's this?"

"Your father made it for you. It's your special watch, just like the one he has."

He looked at the bronze-colored accessory. When it hovered above his wrist, he noticed that the bottom of the watch shone a light. There was a trident, and when it changed from a trident, the sea-green light spelled out OLYMPIAN in all capital letters.

"Children of the important Olympians have the same watches as their parents. It's their way of communication. You will stay here to train with no contact with the outside world."

Percy faltered, staring at them.


"You're not going to seventh grade. You're not seeing your friends."

It dawned on him. Complete isolation. Quarantine. He would be alone in his section of the mansion.

"But... why?" he asked.

"If you are an Olympian, especially a powerful Olympian like you, if you aren't trained, it's dangerous for them and it's dangerous for you. Just like your father wasn't allowed to go anywhere near you until you were ready, or until you'd been recognized. Our hopes for an Olympian is that they can go unnoticed, but if they can't, we bring them here."

"I know it's hard," Grover sighed, "But it's for the best. It's necessary. Plus, you'll make new friends here."

But no one could replace Thalia, Nico, and Annabeth.

"Let's get you a tour around the house, some training, more explanations... you get the mojo," Grover said.

Percy could only nod, the thought of never seeing Thalia, Nico, or Annabeth again. Annabeth... Her name was bliss to his ears. But Grover had already taken his hand, pulling him. Percy winced and Grover frowned. That's when Grover pulled Percy's shirt up to see the bruises.

"Holy Hera!" Grover jumped up in the air. "Your... Your stomach!"

"Gabe..." He looked to the floor. "He... He abused me ever since I was five. When my mom first married him."

"Alright," Grover said, leading Percy down the hall. "This is the first hall you'll pass. Don't worry, it all ends eventually. The most important children are the ones who look identical to their parents. We haven't seen many in years... but you are like a replica. The first hall you'll pass is where all the Hermes children live. If anyone were to infiltrate the house, the Hermes kids are all built with runner bodies, so they will deliver the messages fast."

Grover knocked on a door and a boy opened it. He had blonde hair with a scar running down his face that made Percy want to never have scars again.

"This is Luke," Grover said, "He's not the spitting image of Hermes, but with his eyes, it's obvious he's Hermes' kid."

"Hey," Luke said, "I'm guessing you're Percy?"

"How do you know about me?"

"Oh, everyone knows about you here. You're literally the only child Poseidon has."

"Oh..." it came out of Percy's mouth quietly.

"Well, nice meeting you!" Luke said before closing the door.

We Olympians (A Percy Jackson AU) || BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now