Chapter 47 || Nico

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"Ugh!" Percy hissed from the other stall.

"What?" Nico whispered.

"All the students left, but some teachers stayed. Mr. Ratfoiler is in the teacher's lounge right now. We need to scare him out."

"So... Jason's team's booby traps," Frank confirmed.

"Okay. We have cameras attached to our suits, so you can watch from your watches through holograms." Percy got off the toilet, opening his stall. "Stay in the bathrooms, though."

"Got it."

Nico watched from his holographic screen as Mr. Ratfoiler got out, muttering something about how all of his students failed the quiz.

Damn! I was one of those people! Nico thought as the teacher walked out, sipping his coffee.

That's when the light effects took place. Mr. Ratfoiler froze, looking around.

"Hello?" he asked.

That's when Piper began to sing.

"Ring around the Rosie... Pockets full of posy... Ashes... Ashes... We all fall..." she trailed off and Mr. Ratfoiler looked like he was going to pee his pants.

That's when Nico saw Percy crawling out from behind the lockers in a backbend, running across the hall. Mr. Ratfoiler blinked a couple times as if to ask if he was dreaming or not. That's When Percy dashed out and Mr. Ratfoiler let out a girlish scream. It was hard not to let out a laugh as Nico snickered at the sight. The coffee fell to the floor as the man tried to run in his business suit, screaming in terror all the way out.

The booby traps flung out at him wherever he stepped, one hitting him in the face. That's when Clarisse's knives came. One was fake ax, swinging in front of Mr. Ratfoiler's face. He let out another scream. Then, the shooting of knives began. One shot right in front of Mr. Ratfoiler's nose, wedging itself into the wall. More knives were launched as Mr. Ratfoiler let out another scream. 

He ran out of the school, driving away in his beat up Honda. Percy got back in the bathroom, taking the creepy mask off.

"YEAH!" he cheered. "One teacher out!"

"Don't forget," Annabeth's voice came through the watch. "We still have Professor Umbridge. She's coming out of her classroom right now. Piper, you still up for singing?"


"Okay, that's our group," Percy said. "Neeks, Thalia, and Clarisse! We've gotta go!"

Nico climbed out of the stall, Percy following behind him as they exited the bathroom. The moment they got out, Percy put on his mask as Nico hid himself well, ready to set off the booby traps. They watched as Professor Umbridge came out of her office, sipping her tea. She was wearing a hideous outfit that screamed 'pink barf', and her hair was done like she was my grandma.

Well, my grandma's dead.

That's when Piper began to sing and Percy played the light effects again. This time, Piper sang a different song.

"Dolores Umbridge..." Professor Umbridge stopped walking.

"Who's there?" she snapped, whirling around with her big stick ready.

That stick had Nico's mind in a twist every time it'd tap on the chalkboard. It was honestly enough to write words, but to have a large stick pointing at each letter just rubbed it into Nico's face that he was dyslexic.

"One, two, Freddy's coming for you..."

"AHHH!" Professor Umbridge screamed when Percy popped out of a locker, bending backwards into a weird contortion pose as if he was a monster.

"AHHH!" Professor Umbridge began to run, almost tripping in her pink heels.

"Three, four, better lock the door..."

Percy was chasing her straight for the bathrooms, where Percy had water waiting.

"AHHH!" she shrieked in terror.

That's when the water came streaming out as she fled away from the wave, directing her to the door. Nico released his hold on the fireworks and they popped in the air, a dragon appearing in the air.

"AHHH!" the toad-like professor screamed at the two dead ends. 

Thalia released her hold on the black mist and it came above her head, freaking her out even more.

"Nine, ten, never sleep again..." Piper finished the song as Clarisse brought out her chainsaw, turning it on as it rumbled loudly.

"AHHH!" the professor screamed and fled straight into the fireworks, out the door.

Everything died down and Percy got up, grinning as he took off his mask.

"That was epic! Finally that little toad gets shown up!"

"Anymore teachers?" Percy called.

"No! There aren't any other people in the building!" Leo's voice came in through the watches.

"YES!" Percy pumped his fist up in the air. "Now... let's go into the teacher's lounge, shall we?"

He grabbed the food from his locker and hauled it into the door. Immediately, couches caught our attention. A microwave sat on a countertop with a sink and even a mini fridge with a freezer. There was a TV and tables to eat food, as well as a few shag rugs. Everyone else joined them as Percy poured water into paper bowls, warming up the cup noodles.

"Guys!" Thalia gasped. "Coach Henderson was lying when he said he was on a diet! THERE ARE POPSICLES HERE!"

"AND ICE CREAM!" Hazel laughed.

"IS THAT CAKE?!" Leo accused the poor lemon cake, sitting there in all its grace.

"We better not get carried away," Percy closed the fridge and cleared his throat.

Nico could only notice the way the light shone on Percy's perfectly tan face, his mesmerizing sea-green eyes glinting seriously. Even if Percy's shirt wasn't that tight, Nico could see his six-pack whenever the shirt would move, the beginnings of an eight-pack already showing themselves on his abdomen. He could only imagine how hard those biceps were, as they were always defined on his sleeves. Not like Nico was staring or anything

"Yeah," Jason added. "We've gotta stay focused. This is a mission, people! So yeah... we made it tonight. But tomorrow night, there's gonna be a whole lot of fighting."

"Everything is gonna get even more valuable as the war rages. Especially information. The more information one side retains, the easier it is to bring the other side down."

"We should keep a lookout when we're sleeping," Percy said. "I can take the first watch."

"I'll take the second," Clarisse volunteered.

"Me, third," Jason piped up.

"I'm after Sparky!" Piper kissed his cheek.

The moment Percy's shift began, Nico found that he couldn't stop staring at him. Well, until he felt exhaustion take him and he fell into Morpheus's realm.

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