Chapter 45 || Annabeth

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The healing process was a lot quicker than Annabeth had thought it would be. Having being pretty much sliced in half, she thought she'd be in the hospital for at least a month. Nope. She was in there for a few days with the shots of nectar and bites of ambrosia to help her, as well as more godly creams. The large gash across her abdomen had been reduced to a small cut above her belly button, thankfully.

Annabeth tried to get into her car, but found it was surrounded by caution tape.

"Wha--" she started but Percy cut her off, explaining the question she was about to ask.

"They're removing your license plate and most likely upgrading your car. Don't worry, it's just for safety."

"Yeah... when we get arrested..." Annabeth muttered.

"Annabeth, the police around here know about us. They don't know who we are, but they know how to read the signs on the plates to know we're spies and we have the right to have no license plates."

Hearing this, she relaxed, getting into Percy's car. Thalia and Nico filed into the backseat. Percy looked around at the other cars.

"SEE YA AT SCHOOL!" he yelled as he drove out of the huge parking lot and down the roads.

He had opened all the windows to let some air in and the wind ruffled his hair, blowing it all over the place. His sea-green eyes were shining in the rising sunlight, him driving casually with one arm. Casually, he turned on some music when the car began to grow a little awkward. Bad Habits by Ed Sheeran. Of course.

"Bad habits lead to late nights, ending alone..." Percy sang. "Conversations with a stranger I barely know... Swearing this will be the last, but it probably won't... I've got nothing left to lose, or use, or do..."

As he bobbed his head to the music, making sure he was still watching the road, all Annabeth could think about was how handsome he was. He looked like a god, even if he was only part god. She looked at Thalia and Nico through the rearview mirror and saw their expressions similar to hers. This Percy was the Percy they knew when they were small.

"Bad habits lead to you... Ooh..."

Pretty soon, Percy turned off the music, clearing his throat awkwardly as he looked in the mirror at his cousins.

"You all seem pretty quiet," he noted. "You good back there?"

"Yeah," Thalia said. "It's just... weird."

"What?" Percy sipped his coffee as they made it out of the mountains area and onto the freeway.

"How you acted like... well... a jock, and now you're just... back. Don't get me wrong, it's great, but it's also really weird. You've changed a lot."

"Gotten more... handsome?" Percy said jokingly, his eyes glinting with mischief.

"Oh, shut up!" Thalia laughed. "I just missed you, that's all."

"Yeah..." Percy sighed, squinting his eyes slightly at the sun shining in his face. "If only you knew how much I missed you, too. And... I did change a lot. I mean... becoming an Olympian spy--once you get more into it--is really a lot for your mental health. You see a lot of things you probably aren't supposed to see..." He trailed off, becoming lost in thought. "Don't worry about that too much. You'll all be fine. I'm just... used too often."

"So, can't you just say you don't wanna be used that much?" Nico asked.

"I wish it was that simple, Neeks!" Percy laughed, grinning. "But no. I can't, as much as I wanted to. The Olympians are little asses and they need help. No way out. Also, the camp needs me. I can't just turn my back on them and be selfish just because I wanna be lazy."

Annabeth fought the urge to facepalm. Seaweed Brain. But this wasn't just a seaweed brain. It was a STUBBORN seaweed brain. There. All caps. That was how she felt about him. The moment they pulled up at school, Percy turned to them, his eyes glinting slightly.

"Alright, you three. Spying is fifty percent lying. But it's not acting in your drama class. It's literally becoming a different person. I'm a cold jock... and obviously, you're still yourselves. We can't change that. But be on your A-Game. Pay attention to what questions people ask you. If they seem suspicious... well... I've taught you how to use your watches." Percy's gaze became slightly serious before it faded and he flashed them a cheeky grin. "Goode luck!"

"Jackson--" Thalia started to growl but Percy had already opened the door, skipping out. "That Kelp Head is an idiot." 

The car was locked and Percy simply walked into the school building with his backpack casually slung over one shoulder. Immediately, a cool expression washed over his face as those sea-green eyes hardened and turned icy. Annabeth shivered. After spending some time with Percy as her loving, loyal, funny, kind, and amazing boyfriend, seeing him back to the way he was wasn't very pleasant for her.

Suddenly, her watch vibrated and she checked it to see a small holographic message displayed.

Meet us in the gender-fluid bathroom on the second floor next to the janitor's closet. I have the beginning of a plan on how we can stay in the school overnight, but we need to make a run to the gas station first.


"What's the plan?" Annabeth asked.

"Well, here's the thing... We need to clear every student out."

"Who wants to stay here?" Clarisse scoffed, crinkling her nose.

"Well, some teachers stay late as well, don't forget that. Also, there are students who may be potential spies. Don't forget about the book nerds who literally will pick the lock to get to the library." Percy shrugged. "But I have a plan that'll totally scare them off. Using my contortion skills--" he gave her an 'I'll explain later' look when she raised an eyebrow in question. "--Piper's singing skills, and our knowledge in booby traps... we can make the school a haunted house."

We Olympians (A Percy Jackson AU) || BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now